Batman (kgv x reader)

293 6 5


(Coffee Shop Au)


"And your name is?" you asked, hoping this guy would finally reveal his real name, tired of his shenanigans.

"Batman," the man said, an awkward smile playing on his lips.

You gritted your teeth and forced a smile, replying, "One erm coffee for... Batman."


Being a barista had its perks. You never had a problem socializing and pretending to be morally patient, even when someone yelled at you for not bringing them to your manager.

Jokes on them, your manager was Sung Hanbin, the 22-year-old barista. Technically, he wasn't the manager, but the only powerful position in this place belonged to the owner and the owner's son. And Hanbin, your stereotypical barista with tattoos and a passion for music, was the owner's son.

Do you know how many people fumed when you tried to show them a handsome, charming man, apologizing? Zero.

That's the family business secret: have someone who looks like a drenched puppy while apologizing in order to prevent commotion among customers.

Being the one handling the cashier was fine. The older people who needed the menu repeated a hundred times were okay, the kids were tolerable with their loud noises, and the indecisive group of teens holding up the line could maybe, potentially annoy you, but there was one particular dipshit who was insufferable.

He came every other day without fail, ordering the exact same complicated drink but providing a different name each time.

You still remember the first time you saw him, you were quite in the mood as you had just finished your simple RPG game for your club project. But there he was; with his brown golden curly hair and small face, the teenage boy exuded a friendly and warm charm. His tall stature commanded attention, while his confident posture spoke of self-assurance. His style showcased a unique blend of casual and trendy elements, reflecting his vibrant spirit. You were drawn to his magnetic energy and warm vibe.

But it all went downhill when he opened his mouth.

"I would like a medium, quad-shot, half-caf, non-dairy caramel macchiato with an extra pump of vanilla syrup, two pumps of caramel syrup, three pumps of hazelnut syrup, and a drizzle of chocolate sauce on top. Please make it with almond milk steamed to precisely 150 degrees Fahrenheit and perfectly frothed milk, creating a velvety texture. Also, I prefer it to be made with freshly ground, single-origin Ethiopian coffee beans, brewed using the pour-over method. Finally, could you sprinkle a dash of cinnamon and cocoa powder on the foam and finish it with a single caramel wafer on the side?" The teenage boy rattled off his order, setting a new record for the longest coffee order you had ever received.

It was fine, though; Hanbin was the one who would be making it.

After noting down the order, you asked for his name. Supposedly, it should have been an easy name that you could shout out when his drink was ready, but he had something extra up his sleeve.

"It's Natasha Romanoff," the boy said.

"It's what?" you asked, trying to make him reconsider his choice of being known as Black Widow once you yelled out his very easy and admirable drink, which you hoped would make Hanbin evaluate his kindness and tolerance spectrum.

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