Chpt 16.

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Gaw dawm look at this fine ass man right here. anywho this is gonna start the drama and mess of a book this is soon to become. Also this book started like a whole ass decade before tanjiros family did the death so none of that happpens in this.



Muzans pov

"master why do you smell like that human girl from yesterday?!"


she was clearly exited about y/n.

'why do i even try to hold these meetings?'


"when did i say any of you were aloud to talk?"
"im so sorry i just wanted to know! Please forgive me master!"

"i didn't call this meeting to talk about her i called it to hear your progress on the death of those pesky hashira"

Everything fell silent between them.

"um master, i killed the flower hashira a few nights ago. OH i also almost got tge insect hashira as well but she slipped away whike i was pre-occupied with the other one."-doma

"so you mean to tell me that between the three months youve been dispersed doma only maneged to kill one measly hashira?!"-muzan

"uh- yes master your correct but- but they always flee back to the safty of the wisteria!"-akaza

He breatged in deeply, anger boiling up inside of him.

"then can someone please tell me you have made any progress with the blye spuder lilly?"-muzan

"no master we still haven't found it"-daki

He stood there glaring at all of them as they all bowed in fear of his anger, none of them willing to look at him.

'just remember muzan you need them, you need them.'

And with that in mind He began to walk away rather angrily

"get out of my sight you pathetic swine's"

They all panicked and rushed out of there as to not anger him further. He was rather angry for, now, more then one reason. He didn't enjoy the fact that the hashira Aren't falling easily.

He's angry about the sun and how none of them have found the blue spider lily.

Now they all know about y/n, doma must've spread the word to the other moons. With her blood type, thats a hazard for her.

'Id like to see her now'

And he made his way back to his chambers where she resides

Time skip cause lazy

Ur pov:

I was simply humming a sweet tune as i walked around the room, touching everything to know how the layout works. I like to do this in new places when im alone. It always gets embarrassing when people see my meathods

I hate it when people see me walk along the same wall twenty times, crawl on the floor to get any details in furniture, touch and smell things to memorize where everuthing goes.

And just then, as i was on my hamds and knee's feeling all around tge bed, muttering to myself, muzan had walked in.
"did you loose somthing?"

"uh- n-no i um was just trying to learn the layout is all."

He responded with a simple 'hm' and then proceeded to walk towards his dresser.

"feel free to continue, i wouldn't bother you if its to help you get around"

"thank you"

And forgetting the embarrassment of it all, i continued. This went on for another twenty minutes as he was now on the bed and i had finished up. I had finally gotten the room memorized, so now i shouldn't have any accidents.

"did you get the layout all right?"

"uh yes, im sorry if it was annoying"

"annoying? How would it annoy me?"

"um well some people think me crawling around and grabbing everything and walking all over the place is annoying"

"well its to help you find your way, they have no say in it. If you choose to use a method thats effective and less likly to harm you then i have no problem with it"

Now we were sitting next to eachother on the bed, but i couldn't tell where he was. I was slowly moving my hand across the bed to find him, when he grabbed my hand.

"if you couldn't find me you could have just said so dear"

"um i- right. Sorry"

"its perfectly fine."

Then he gently grabbed my waist and lifted me to sit on his lap. I was blushing from the action but was quite happy he was hug behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his head into my neck.

"tomarrow i'd like to introduce somebody to you."

"really? Who is it."

"her name is daki, i think you two would get along well, she's always a little upset about being the only women here and got rather excited when she heard of you"

"really? She seems nice. Wait do all of them know about me?"

"not necessarily. Do you remember tge three demons you met the other day? When you first met rui."

"sort of. I remember rui, the mam i slapt, and then there was a third one who was laughing in the background"

"yes, you slapt doma, and akaza found it funny enough to tease him aboht it around the other kuizuki (is this spelled Correctly??) but not all of them believe i would bring a human here"

"oh, i understand. But how many kuizuki are there?"

"twelve. Rui is lower moon three, while daki, doma, and akaza are all upper moons."

"hm interesting. So could you tell me about daki?"

"yes i suppose so"

So muzan started telling me about daki and eventually some of the others as well before i fell asleep curled up in his lap.

Time skip brought to akaza's basketball lookin ass~

Muzans pov:
It was now morning and i had woken up for my nap. Y/n was still sleeping peacefully curled up next to me, she looked so peacful i didnt want to leave her side. But i did manege to get up without disturbing her slumber.

I changed rather quietly and had placed a kimono down for y/n once she woke up.  i hope she finds it, it was where i was laying along with her cane. Id like for her to still be sleeping by the time im done and i could go back to cuddling but im not sure.

And i carefully left the room and headed for the area daki and her brother were eating in.( i forgot this mans name-) i made it there quickly to find that she and doma had covered this room from the ceiling, down the walls, and pooling on the floor. There were various corpses and i assume that they got into an argument aagin.

"what did you two do?"

I said looking at all tge red seeling down and they both stopped in their tracks and stared at me for a moment before giving eachother a glance then looking at the mess they made.

"um- i dont know how this happened. We were just talking then he unsulted me and gyutaro"

"and then we got into a pretty heated argument. My apologies master"

i find that i tend to write these more at really late hours when i should be sleeping cause its 11:47 rn-

Welp sorry for not posting but im getting somewhere with this i think so happy reading yall

1264 words

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