A simple break

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Hello. The first part of this chapter is kinda just a rant i suppose, if you dont wanna read it then its fine its not important. The second part is more about the book so maby read that.


Im not sure how or why, but some how this book got 5.39k reads.

This just blows my mind, literally, i thought about just getting all of this done and then publishing the book in its entirety so i didn't have to deal with some of the stress i receive.

I Honestly was just bored and decided to post the first like three chapters and within a feiw days, there were already reads on it and i didn't really have the motivation to write until that cause if people read this then, why cut it there.

I had absolutely no clue what i was doing, i say that all the time but i mean it. I came up with this shit at the most random time and it was originally gonna be just a simple oneshit but i thought there were too many things for that so now its a book.

Through out the makeings of this book ive gotten random inspiration for the next part. But lately my worm of inspiration that swirls with ideas in my head is shrinking. Its dry. I think i was writeing so much that i got really bored of it really quickly so i just had to take a break to forget about it.

I think it helped but now im kinda busy and dont have as much time for it, im in the middle of spring break, soo ill be finishing this year of sxhool which is really important, ive veen trying to spend time with friends vecause i dont want to drift away from them and ive been trying to work on myself.

I know that im not doing so good upstairs so its been alot harder for me cause i have luke the worst trio of mental problems

ADHD, dyslexia, memory problems

Yay, this makes it really hard for me to focus then i forget about everything and when i look at a large amount of words for long enough it looks like a bunch of the letters are moving aroynd the oage/screen or what ever it is. Its not the best working conditions.

Also i kinda jouned a band, its not official just yet but we are working on out first song so all of this is tajeing a bit of time and i didnt really think of the time it would take when i joined.

I try to make a few chapters then post, as ive explained, but this hapoens where i just get so caught on a scene that can like change the course of the book and i hyperfixate on that one thing and it just drives me crazy when i cant think of anything for it and i have to leave for a bit.

Im really trying to get chapters for yall, i have an idea planned but i just dont know how i want it to go exactly, but im still open for segestions or request if anyone has anything they want to see in here or whatever, feel free to comment.

Im so sorry for this long unexplained wait i put yall through im trying my best and i hope i can get back to it soon.

Buh bye for now

781 words

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