Chpt 11.

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Tell me why this man genuinely looks hot af in that pic. Tf. He be lookin fiiiiiii

Anywayssssss i havent slept in two days so if this is just bad im sorry cause im all sorts of drowsy today.

No ones pov:

Rui had you wait outside the door while he went in.

"master muzan, she's awake."

He immediately stopped his rambling and frustrations, he looked back at rui, almost disappointed she wasn't there with him.

He was so frustrated and distracted by his anger for the sun, he hadn't smelt her blood as he Usually would when she's around.

"could you bring her to me? And tell doma and akaza to stop eavesdropping. I hate when they do this."

"she's outside the door. And he's being especially difficult today. he's been trying to get some of her blood for almost twenty minutes now, the whole time he's been fallowing us and akaza has just been makeing stupid jokes on his jaw"

"Doma! I expect you to leave this instance, i thought i made it clear when i ssid no one is to harm her! That includes trying to take her blood!"

"master muzan! I just wanted to say i haven't done anything!"

He was now yelling at him through the walls. He knew he would hear.

"rui, what did you mean by his jaw? What happened"

"lady y/n broke it when she backhanded him"

This was quite shocking to say the least

Doma knew he was getting angry and decided not to risk it, so he left to go back to who ever he was eating. While this was happening, rui had walked out of the room.

"y/- rui you may leave for now"

Rui sad nothing but bowed and left. After he was gone, muzan immediately turned to you with a smile. Well ofcourse you couldn't but you could sense he was happy.

Or was it excitement? Maby a mix of both? posibly.

You didnt hear any foot steps nor words, but you felt him wrapping his arms around you. One went down to link around your waist, and the other held your head to his chest (he's like 5'10 - 6'1, depending on which form)

"y/n, you had me worried. You didnt wake for two days, feeling ok? Does your head hurt of anything"

"uh- no i feel fine, im sorry i didn't mean to sleep that long, i dont remember what happened after i fell."

Now you were hugging him back, wrapping your arms around his waist.

"y/n.....while you were unconscious, you had been crying, and even screaned a few times. Were you- um- "

"im so sorry i didnt know, i must have been haveing a- a nightmare. I guess that demon attack the other night- it- i just...."

At this point you were whispering, he could still hear it. It honestly made him rather sad to hear this.

"its quite alright, i understand completely. Besides theres no reason for you to be apologizing"

You two stayed there hugging for a few minutes in silence. Just enjoying eachothers company, and presence.

"what all do you remember about our date?"

"um everything until we were danceing in the rain, then i fell and i blacked out, and woke up here. Where are we anyways, this place seems big."

"we're in the infinity fortress(is that the name of it? I think it is but idk), so you remember our, "fight" i suppose it was, but-......"

You had no fucking clue what the hell an infinity fortress was but yoy had a question you were dieing to ask.

"yeah....i remember it all. But Are all those things you said true?"

The memory's of that night flashed through your mind

' 'y/n. Please i dont want you to leave. You cant- i need you." '
'y/n. Just the thought of bringing you any harm is revolting to me. I dont know what you've been doing to me but its intoxicating! This feeling. I've never felt anything like it before but it's just so damn addictive! Anytime im around you... Im just so much calmer. Y/n, anytime im without you its just...i- its all a mess. I cant think straight, im angrier, i dont focus. After the first time we met i couldnt get you out of my head, its your face, your smiles, just the sound of your laugh is like music ringing throughout my ears. '
' all of my sense's had been taken over, my lungs were filled with your sent, your hunny tinted voice fills my ears blocking everything out, all i could focus my eyes on were you,. I couldn't get you out of my thoughts since that moment. '
' y/n your like an intoxicating drug that fills my lungs, i dont know what i would do if i lost you. Your the only person in all of my life, that could ever make me feel this way. P-please dont leave. '

The thoughts and memory's, his voice laced with sadness and pain, it all swirled through your head.

"y/n. ofcourse i did, i wouldnt have said any of that if i didn't mean it. I wouldn't have acted like that unless i truley cared for you."

You stayed quiet. Now he simply had his hands loosely wrapping around your torso, and had been craddleing you against his chest.

"y/n i dont think I've ever felt this way towards, well anyone. I dont even know what this feeling is"

There was a silence. It wasn't akward but neither of you knew what to say to the other. You just stood there, both of you thinking about different things.

'god what do i say. She's really quiet. Did i mess up? What do i do? Has she changed her mind about me?'

'where am i? Who are these people? He got really quiet, why did he do that? Did he really mean those things?'

After a few minutes of standing there, someone came in.

"master, its time for the mission"

"alright. Please wait elsewhere"

"are you leaving?"

"yes, dont worry I'll be back,  but I'll have someone here to protect you and make sure doma doesn't harm you."

"co-could it um, be rui. If its not a bother"

"yes, ill get him in here right away for you"

Then he left. Almost immediately you heard the door open again. You could tell it was rui from how light his steps were.

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