Chpt 9

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This doesnt get a name cause im lazy. :)
Anyways hiiiiii great to see yalls again, wasa. Anyways idk what im doing. I dont have a train of thought, i just have a worm of though and a racoon of creativity amd they're both on constant caffine from monsters they're getting minny hyena's i have running around.

Its a mess up stairs. Anyways thank yall for reading, the time im writeing this chapter, im at some birthday party for some of my relatives. At a bowling ally with family i dont wanna be around . Ima kms.

Your pov:
I told muzan about what happened to my family and me. He listened to all of it, and even wiped my tears i didnt know were there. Then it dawned on me, muzans the only person I've ever actually told this.

Before this, me and my family only talked about it once while we were hospitalized, we had all confirmed what we saw then never brought it up again. But it felt nice that he listened to all of this.

It felt rather nice telling somebody. Ive always just kept this all pent up to myself.

"it all hurt so much. I remember the looks of pain and devastation on their faces. It always feels so real in the nightmares too."

"y/n. Im so sorry. If i had known that would have happened to you i would never have chamged him, but i turned him into a demon almost a hundred years ago. I-"

"no it- you would never had known. Its ok.....i just didnt know you would have created someone like that. I thought you would be alot different."

You started to walk off in some random direction. To be fair, you could hear plenty of people from the city, so you were most likely going the right way

"uh wait where are you going? You could get hurt if you go into the city alone"

"mmm i dont mimd. I've been hurt before, i can stand it."

This time you looked at him with a sad smile. Then he grabbed you hand. You couldn't see it but he looked extreamly sad that this was all happening.

"y/n. Please i dont want you to leave. You cant- i need you."

"wherent you the one who wanted to get me home earlier. Whats different now?"

"thats when you still trusted me. When you didnt feel as if you were in danger- i"

"what do you mean you need me anyways. We've only met three times now. How can i trust you after what you've told me. For all i know you could just be trying to eat me"

The look of pain on his face was verry obvious. It hurt to even think about hurting you, let alone consumeing you or your blood.

"y/n. I would never do that to you. Just the thought of bringing you any harm is revolting to me. I dont know what you've veen doing to me but its intoxicating! This feeling. I've never felt anything like it before but it's just so damn addictive! Anytime im around you... Im just so much calmer. Y/n, anytime im without you its just...i- its all a mess. I cant think straight, im angrier, i dont focus. After the first time we met i couldnt get you out of my head, its your face, your smiles, just the sound of your laugh is like music ringing throughout my ears. "

"so. Does this mean that us meeting yesterday. Did you plan that?"

"i- no i was looking for something rather important but you bumped into me again an all of my sense's, my lungs are filled with your sent, your hunny tinted voice fills my ears blocking everything out, all i could focus my eyes on were you,. I couldn't get you out of my thoughts since that moment."

I was now faceing him all the way. He was holding onto my arm with both hands, gently gripping the sleeve of my kimono as if i would disappear if he let go.

He was Usually so calm, he always sounded like he knew what he was doing. But now his voice was unstable, every now and then it cracked.

He sounded so desperate, i didnt think this would ever happen.

"y/n your like an intoxicating drug that fills my lungs, i dont know what i would do if i lost you. Your the only person in all of my life, that coyld ever make me feel this way. P-please dont leave"

"muzan- i dont know what to say, or what to do right now. I mean its- i- just ten minutes ago we were simply dancing in a feild of flowers under tge stars, and i was really enjoying this. Next thing i know there were monsters fighting over my blood, and now i know that your the one who created them in the first place. The one who cause my family so much suffering. Im not sure if id like to stay with you or if i want to head back home and forget we ever met"

It started raining a bit harder and mire rapidly. We were both soaked to the bone, im kimono stuck to my skin, my hair was stringy and clinging to my- muzans fedora and my forehead. My sockets had been filled to where my eyelids droop with water.


the rain was picking up and we had to start yelling. He was now on the ground clinging to my arm. I could feel how sharp his nails were on my skin. They were most definitely sharper then before.

"muzan- i-"

Muzans pov:

'im completely pathetic. Look at me, clinging onto this morals arm as it was a life sorce, on my knees begging for her to stay. Im completely drenched in rain, legs are all muddy and now the only person ive cared about in thousands of years, is leaveing. What the actual hell happened to me'

I was even crying. Not that much, a few tears were shed but still. I haven't cried in- i dont even know how long. Then i felt it.

She had dropped down next to me and hugged me. No words had been exchanged but i felt a massive wave of relief had washed over me. She wasnt leaveing.

"muzan, i want to trust you, i really do and now what I've learned is makeing it really hard to. But please give a reason to trust you. "

"oh y/n, thank you so much. I will regain your trust. Id slit my stomach and spill my guts for you if you wanted. Please just dont leave me"


'ok' was all she said. It was all i wanted to hear. All i needed to hear.

And with that you two stayed in that position. I was sitting on my legs infront of her gripping her waist desperately makeing sure she would stay. She was kneeling next to me, only on her knees so she was a bit taller, holding my head close to her chest.

I hadn't relised the position my head was in until a few moments after the rain got lighter. It wasnt as heavy as before but still nice.

"o-oh my god im so sorry i didnt relise where i had put your head i just wanted to hug you nyway i could and- i- im sorry"

There i was, blushing once again, well my head was in a women's chest for quite a few minutes.

"oh yes im sorry for not moveing my head, i guess i was caught up in the moment. My apologies"

That wasnt entirely false.

No ones pov:

After you two had gotten up and well one thing lead to another, you two had started dancing in the rain.
My What an eventful evening.

But thats when i blacled out.

Woooooo that was fun. I wrote half of that at a bowling ally with a fist full of fries, a small cup of Coca-Cola, and a secluded seat away from literally anyone. I didn't want to be there. I got called a goth hillbilly billy cause i have black overalls 🥲

Andyways thatnk you all for reading and buh byeeee

1422 words

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