chapter twenty-three: always and forever

Start from the beginning

Regardless, he does look adorable with that stupid smile spread across his face.

"Y'know Y/n I still can't wrap my head around it."

You tilt your head, "Around what?"

"How breathtaking you are."

Your heart flutters hearing that word.

You? Breathtaking? In what world, what was this boy talking about? Did he hit his head or something?

Despite that, this isn't the most comfortable position to be in and you start worrying he might drop you or hurt himself. Miles isn't exactly the most athletic person, after all. Even with his powers, he pushed his body to its limits tonight.

"Okay seriously, put me down." You hit his shoulder with a quiet smile. Choosing to ignore his words and what they could mean.

"But I'm enjoying the view too much," Miles says with no shame, he smirks up at you.

Your face finds his neck in embarrassment, "You're really annoying, you know?" You could feel his chest rumble with a chuckle you just shove his shoulder in protest.

"Where did all this confidence come from, huh?" You mumbled into his shoulder. Your words were muffled but he could hear them clear as day.

Miles shrugged his shoulders.

"C'mon put me down, Miles."

The boy sighs, "Okay, okay." And he sets you down.

"Was that really that hard?" Your hands are on your hips.

"Nah, I just wanted you in my arms for what I was about to say but this works too."

"Say what?"

For a moment, while his shiny eyes stared deeply into yours, you wondered if he was going to say those three precious little words. Three words, eight letters. Would it come out easily, rolling off his tongue like the most obvious thing in the world?

He backs away from you. You watch him with confusion glazed over your eyes. Miles groans into the sky and says a few words that you can't understand under his breath.

What could possibly have him this choked up?

"Miles whatever it is," You slowly make your way back to him, "You can tell me anything. You have nothing to be afraid of." Miles closes his eyes as you're finally eye to eye. You grab his hands, pulling them away from the hair that he was tugging at, and you seat them in yours.

Your thumbs gently rub against his cold suit and you give him a smile, Miles stares baffled. You stare, over it.

"Okay, spit it out, dork. Whatever it is, it can't be that deep-"

"Y/n I like you."

You're stunned to silence. You didn't expect him to say that, not at all. But you recover quickly, you make a sound that suggests you already knew and you pull your hands from his abruptly. "Pfft, I already know that you doofus." You take a step to walk away, not understanding why this was such a big deal, not understanding that what Miles meant was that he liked you.

More than a friend should.

You don't let yourself think anything of his words, you don't want to give yourself false hope.

You make it three steps away when his body moves before his mind can and the next thing Miles knows is that you're being pulled towards him by his web. You spin into his arms startled.

You're about to ask him if he hit his head, "I'm falling in love with you, Y/n Everdean Williams." But instead, he said something that has the world stop around you. He doesn't give you a second to breathe, he's been waiting to say this to you for years. He couldn't wait any longer.

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