Chapter 4: Imitation

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Boopkins: "Why did you gather all of us here, Meggy?"

Boopkins and the rest of the cast are at the middle of the Showgrounds 'Castle', Meggy had called everyone here.

Meggy: "I just have a question, have any of you guys see SMG4 this week?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Bob: "No, why?"

Meggy: "I'm afraid he's currently in danger and if we don't help him sooner or later, things might get worse than now! Heck, thr universe might collapse if we're not careful enough, not to mention-"

Tari: "Meggy! Calm down, we don't know what you're talking about."

Meggy sighed.

Meggy: "When Mario and I went into the forest.. we... we saw Four. But- but he didn't act like himself, like someone.. someTHING had possessed him-"

Tari: "You don't think..."

Meggy: "I'm fairly certain, I saw it for myself. He.."

Meggy's face dropped, she definitely did NOT like what happened back there.

Saiko: "Hey Meggy, don't worry! We'll smash that man back into reality, just like last time! And this time, we'll make sure that thing is gone for good."

Meggy: "Thanks Saiko, but I don't think we could overpower that thing this time around.. I doubt it'll take us lightly."

Melony: "But there's me this time!"

Melony appeared behind the group and gave a smile and wave.

Tari: "Melony!"

Melony: "Hehe!"

Meggy: "Huh, I guess we could beat it this time around! We just need one more person."

Meggy pulled out her cellphone and dialed 3's number, however it just went straight into voicemail.

Meggy: "Hm? Might be the terrible internet he has."

She tried a few times before the phone finally picked up, but the screen was pitch black.

Meggy: "SMG3? Hello?"

She put the phone to speaker, upon closer look the screen seems to be pointing at the ceiling of some sort.

??: "?eg?y? He?? ?e!"

Meggy: "Wha-"

The voice was covered in static, it was hard to make out the words, but it's clear that the voice belonged to 3.

Just a few seconds later, a silhouette can be seen at the bottom of the screen.

It was SMG3, his body covered in goo. His expression looked like a ghost as the goo from his hand dripped onto the screen. Before the cast could react, another voice can be heard in the distance.

???: "Playing hard to get, aren't you? Don't worry, it'll be over soon"

After the voice was heard, SMG3 was immediately dragged out of the screen before he could pick up his phone, and the call ends.

The cast went silent.

Saiko: "...What the hell-"

Meggy's phone started glitching as an eye appeared on the screen.

Meggy: "Augh no! Get away!"

She dropped her phone onto the ground and stepped on it a couple of times, breaking the screen in the process as the phone turns off.

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