Chapter 1: Advertisement

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SMG4: "MARIO! Stop invading other people's privacy, we already made a corner for you to sit on!"

4 points at a small corner with the sign 'Mario's circle' on it.

Mario: "But S-M-G-4, how come Mario only gets this tiny space? Everyone else gets their own rooms!"

Mario pouted, in which 4 ignored him as a response.

Mario: "Grr, fine! Mario will just sit at the corner! I can stand a day just sitting there!"

He, in fact, can't. And SMG4 has already gotten used to Mario's silly shenenigans, he rolled his eyes before pulling out his phone and walking away from Mario.

4 decided to take a stroll a bit further away from the Showgrounds. After all, it's just surrounded by trees, a refreshing breeze is just what 4 needed for the day.

Things hasn't been improving much after the Showgrounds was bought. Sure, they started a mini circus and earned some money to buy furniture, but things hasn't changed after that. 4 was left wondering how to earn the remaining funds to build a proper castle like he promised to.

SMG4: "Huh.. I heard being a Twitch streamer gets you some quick bucks."

4 thought to himself, but quickly dismissed that idea. Who would wanna spend their time livestreaming their lives away? That's dumb as hell. Plus, he doesn't wanna become like 3, that man's need to touch some grass for once.

While 4 was thinking about all these things, he didn't notice a pop-up coming from his phone.

SMG4: "Huh? Wha-"

Before 4 could look at the pop-up, the phone rang which surprised 4. Turns out it's just 3 calling.

SMG3: "Hey dude, how has it been?"

SMG4: "Eh, could be better. Why did you call me suddenly? You could've just taken a portal here."

SMG3: "I could, but I'm busy livestreaming at the moment. And as for why I called you. Well... I don't know! I just felt like it! It's not like I care about you or something... baka."

3 mumbled the last sentence.

SMG4: "Did you say something?"


The call was then hung up, which left 4 speechless.

SMG4: "Err.. okay? That was weird... Never knew he cared about me that much, or he's just drunk again."

4 looked back at his phone's screen, and the pop-up seemed to appear again. A closer look at the text says the following:

"We are now hiring! Need some money? Come join the circus!"

SMG4: "Circus?"

Sure, 4 started his own circus before. But having a random pop-up in your phone about an advertisement isn't something you'd see everyday. There isn't even a location or how to apply! Only a 'yes' or 'no' button.

SMG4: "I'd work at McDonald's than to play in a circus, and that's with experience."

4 grumbled before clicking the 'no' option, but the pop-up doesn't seem to go away.

SMG4: "Ehh?? God dammit, just close already!"

The screen suddenly turns to black and made a loud noise, which made 4 drop the phone onto the ground.


After a bit, the noise stops, ending with a 'ding!'. 4 looked at his phone to find another pop-up text reading:

Circus of Wonders (An SMG4 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now