Chapter 2: Ringmaster

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Meggy: "Where's 4? I thought he said he'd be back in a few minutes, but it's been almost an hour!"

The Bingo game has already ended at this point, and everyone went back to what they were doing.

Meggy: "I'm gonna have to call 3, maybe he knows something about 4."

Meggy picks up her phone from her pockets and proceeds to call 3's number.

SMG3: "SMG3, Lord of the Internet Graveyard speaking! Who's this?"

Meggy: "It's just me, 3. Say, have you seen 4 around? I know you've been at your place the whole time, but I wanted to know if you two had contacted each other earlier in the day or this week."

SMG3: "Wh- 4?? Why do you wanna know if I talked to him or not??"

3's tone started getting bit wobbly as Meggy sighed.

Meggy: "We haven't seen him for an hour or two, and normally I wouldn't be so worried. But I am. Just answer the question."

SMG3: "Well.. I did speak to him yesterday. But it's none of your concern! It was just some small talk."

Meggy: "Huh.. and WHY did you call him in the first place?"

SMG3: "It's.. It's nothing! I swear! It's just... I felt like I had to."

Meggy: "Could it be that you're both cosmically linked or something? But why?"

SMG3: "Like hell I know! That's all I've known, promise! Now leave me alone!"

The call hungs up.

Meggy: "... And that's that. Must I figure out everything by myself?"

Meggy shook her head.

Meggy: "He went to the forest, so let's just start from there."

Meggy walks into the forest, and everything seemed to be normal. She planned on turning back after a while but she felt like she had to keep going.

Once deeper inside the woods, she looked at all her surroundings, making sure to spot anything that'll leave a clue on where 4 is at.

Meggy: "Weird... no footprints at all, where could he have gotten?"

Meggy steps on something, and she immediately backs away.

It was 4's cap.

Meggy: "His... cap? He wouldn't have just leave it here would he? Something must've happened in here.. and yet.. I don't see any signs of a fight or struggling on the ground, not even his footprints to where he could've gotten.."

As Meggy picked up the cap, a breeze of wind flew behind her. She heard a familiar voice. It was SMG4's.


Meggy: "SMG4!-"

She turned around, but no one was behind her. She was left clueless as to what happened.


Back at the Showgrounds floor,

Mario is playing Super Smash Each Other In The Ass Deluxe, he seems to be enjoying his time making SMG4's 'room' his own, as 4 isn't around right now.


Meggy ran towards Mario.

Mario: "Heh? Save S-M-G-4?"

Meggy: "I think something happened while he was gone, he even left his cap in the forest, we need to help him!"

Mario doesn't look like he gives a crap whether or not 4 is safe, he's more focused on playing his game.

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