She jerks her hand back. "I don't care who I had it with all I know is I had it and now the terms are not being met." She snapped.

"You're trying to intimidate me, but I don't want any more," I grunt at her attitude. "I'm beginning to feel like I should hurt the rest of these little brats."

"You have done more than enough if you go further I will kill you myself." My hand flew up grasping her neck, cutting her airways, and pulling her so now she was halfway across my desk.

"And what are you going to do?" I laugh in her face. The color disappeared from her face due to the lack of oxygen. "You are in a building crawling with my men who have been instructed to kill you and every single one of those kids the minute you lay a finger on me." My grip tightens, and she begins to scratch at my hand.

When I had enough, I let her go, she fell to the ground coughing to breathe. I steadily walk around my desk, standing above the small woman.

"Come on kitty did you think he would keep to the terms and conditions?" Luke says sounding uninterested taking a seat.

She ignored him solely focused on me. "If Alexandria is anything like you, she's going to do incredible things to help us." I tilt my head watching her struggle to breathe correctly again.

She grabs the corner of the desk, hoisting herself up while grasping for support. "I won't let you do this." She's grumbling.

"I am not sure whether you heard me correctly." I lean closer to her face, our noses barely an inch away. "This is my show now. Not yours."

"I would listen." Luke sings looking all over the room.

Xander smacks the back of his head. "Cut it out." Xander threatened.

"I'm just trying to help the poor women. She looks like she could use it." Luke lifts his legs onto the table I had for decoration.

"Then what will you do? Huh. She is her father's daughter and she won't let anything happen to the others, especially after what you did to Maliki." She warned I'm sure in hoped that it would have some effect.

"You also forget she is also the daughter of Katherine Wright. If she loves any of those kids then she will help me." I say in a very angry tone.

"What the hell is wrong with you."

I pout my bottom lip. "Come on kitty if my father got you to stay what makes you think I won't get her to." She shakes her head pushing me away.

"Your father may have been idiotic but he was still a man of vigilance. He did everything the way it should be." I roll my eyes dramatically.

"Give me a break. Now you like my father? For fuck sake when he was alive you were a bitch to him." I scoff.

"Yeah well, he was much more of a man than you acting like right now."

"Or was it because you slept with him before he died?" her face drop mouth gaping open. "So what it takes to have sex with you for you to be submissive?"

"That was a mistake." She finally breaks eye contact trying to avoid my gaze.

"From what I was told it didn't should like a mistake. When I came home from school you two looked like a married couple. It was disgusting." I grimace.

"I had been alone for nine years." she tries to defend but nothing she will say will change my mind.

"So when your husband was hurting because of your departure and your children were yearning for a mother you were getting nasty with the man who took you from them." I mock her knowing very well the more I talk the more her confidence is being torn down.

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