Upon setting her sewing aside, she breathed in and observed me. "I know my recent behavior has been poor, but that is due to the fear of your influencing Father into believing we should leave Kings Landing." Rolling my eyes, I didn't need to acknowledge Septa's gasp of exasperation. "For what reason would I do so?" "Because you are jealous that I will be Queen after I have wed Prince Joffrey, and you will be a simple wife of a Lord." Amused, I laughed while she neglected, "it's not funny, Ilyanna! Just admit to Father that we will be safe and that you desire to remain in Kings Landing so..." With another laugh, I uttered, "you are a foolish little girl blinded by a shiny crown that the High Septon will not present to you until well after you have grown." Gaping, I swiftly approached my sister, saying, "Father, on his own, will decide if we will leave this viper pit of liars and deceivers because he fears for our safety without my influence. He will decide because he was attacked and watched his men die in the streets of this city. No amount of you saying, "it's not fair," or "they always ruin everything," will change his mind." Blinking back tears, she uttered, "how can you be so..." Lifting an eyebrow, I spoke, "mean?"

Nodding, I reached out and cupped Sansa's chin in my hand. "You may perceive me as mean, but my words are given out of concern as you have failed to see the danger lurking in this place's shadows." She sniffled. "We are not..." I brushed my thumb over the edge of her chin, uttering, "recently, I have learned that Ser Jaime has been accessing my private chambers via a secret passageway. Do you not think others could do the same if he could access such a tunnel?" Septa gasped as I released my sister. "Starks are known for not fairing well in the South, little sister. If Father believes we are in danger, he will do what he must to ensure we are safeguarded." She glanced away as I turned my attention to Septa. "I will be in my rooms with my handmaidens until supper." Nodding, she asked, "do you wish me to call for a Maester?" I shook my head no. "I think the heat of the day has left me uncomfortable." With another nod, I glanced at Sansa as she contemplated my words before leaving the room.

Returning to my room, I signed as Lehna stepped forward to assist me in undressing. "Taria is tending to your bath." Grateful, I stripped down to my small clothes before following her into an adjacent room to find Taria adding lavender oil to my bath. Lehna approached and skillfully wrapped my hair upwards with a silver comb depicting a howling wolf. Removing my remaining clothing, I stepped into the warm lavender-scented water. Holding tight to the tub's rim, I lowered myself and sighed in relief. Submerged, I laid my head back against the edge as Lehna moved to gather a few things she believed would ease my head. "Would you like some willow bark tea?" I shook my head at Taria's question before asking, "would you mind telling me what the West is like?" She blinked and sat beside me. "Of course, what do you wish to know?" Breathing out, I murmured, "I know the ruling houses but not the people the live there." She offered a kind smile and began to tell me of Lannistport while Lehna poured a mixture of orange and honeysuckle fragrant oil into the water. Relaxed in their company, I willed my headache away, knowing that supper with my enraged sisters would be only second to the difficult conversation of sending the three of us home.

Eventually, I departed my bath and dressed before joining my family for supper. Partway through supper, Father uttered, "once you have finished eating, I wish to discuss an important matter with the three of us." My sisters nodded and returned to their meals as I lifted my gaze to discover my Father refusing to look at me. Sighing, I poked at my food, wondering how to ensure our safety.

With my rambling thoughts, I stepped away from the table moments later to follow my family to Father's chambers. Entering, I calmly sat on the bench before his bed while my sisters sat on either side, resting my hands in my red velvet lap. Breathing out, he observed us in turn before saying, "I'm sending you three back to Winterfell." There was a brief silence until Sansa sharply asked, "what" in outrage. Expecting her anger, I shifted to calm her when Father gently uttered, "Sansa, listen." Ignoring his plead, she asked, "what about Joffrey?" He breathed in and turned to respond when Arya suddenly asked, "are you dying because of your leg?"

Game of Thrones - The Rose of Winterfellजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें