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I try to focus on the book in front of me, having to keep rereading the same paragraph as my mind drifts. Since three days ago when I saw him and that girl I haven't seen him again. I need to learn his name. But that would require talking to him.

I look up and roll my head to crack my neck. I've just moved here, and already my mind is spinning with ideas on how to improve this place. I look at the cracked drywall, and yellow cabinets. I'm handy, my mother is a carpenter, but perhaps that would be an excuse to get him in here. Play the damsel in distress. I'm crazy. This is crazy. He obviously has a girlfriend. But then why did he smile at me. Maybe it was a one night stand. But then, do I really want to start this with my new neighbour? That I have to live beside for god knows how long? A simple crush never hurt anyone, as long as it stays that way.

I get up and busy myself with the much needed unpacking. I've been living on single quantities of cutlery and dishes. Not to mention the dozens of boxes of books needing to be unpacked, sitting by the looming bookshelf's.

A knock sounds at my door, and immediately my heart rate jumps. Because what if it's him. I look down at my pj shorts hanging low on my waist and my baggy T-shirt. To hell with it. He has a girlfriend. And it's probably not even him. Why would it be?

I open the door, swinging open the rusty hinges and cringe at the sound they make. Those, as well, need replacing. I look up, and my whole body sages with both relief and disappointment.

"Hi, how can I help you?" I say looking at a average looking guy. Nothing like the tatted guy in the leather jacket I saw before him.

"Hi! My names Spencer, I'm your neighbour," he points to the right. Other neighbour then. "Sorry I wasn't by earlier I just heard you got here." He puts out a hand, and I notice the wedding band.

"It's great to meet you, I'm Raya."

"My wife is just at work but I was wondering if you'd like to join us for dinner sometime?" I nod.

"Yeah that'd be great, um," I push down the door stop and grab a scrap piece of paper from my counter, "here's my number feel free to reach out whenever, or if you need anything."


We wave each other off, but I could've sworn he looked at my midriff before the door shut. Maybe I'm being ridiculous, but he looked like the type. The blonde graying hair, the suit from his probably unfulfilling office job. Not to stereotype but...

As the day goes on I decide it's too quiet here. I should get a pet. But can't fully afford that right now. My job pays alright, I have a few books that have done well, but with his new place, in London where I decide I'll be more inspired, it's drained me dry.

A cat though... not a bad idea. For later, of course. I settle for music instead.

I hear something bang into the wall outside my door, and startle from the box of clothing I'm leaning over. It overpowers the music blasting through my headphones. I take them off and hear another bang, only to realize it's not outside the door at all, but through the wall. Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

I stand up and look at my bedroom wall, waiting for another bang. And sure enough, there it goes again. I will not tolerate it.

I storm out of my room, and go out my door turning- turning left. Fuck. I cannot face him. Of course it had to be him. What the hells he doing at 9pm anyways. No renno after 4. That's the rule in this place. Made sure of it, since I'll be doing a lot of it for the next few months.

I take a deep breath. My heart pounds. Im not very good at confrontation. Especially not to hot, tall, muscular men. Fuck. I just have to do it. I wont be able to work if I hear this banging ever other night.

I raise my hand to the door, when suddenly I hear the lock slides and the door opens, my hand dropping behind my back. I freeze, eyes wide. I look up at the man in front of me as his gaze slowly drifts down to meet mine. I fight to keep my gaze on his and not at the naked torso in my line of view. I blink, and swallow as he raised an eyebrow waiting to see why I'm standing at his door. Why do I feel like I'm the one being confronted.

"Um hi." I clear my throat, pissed off at how nervous I sound. More clearly I say, "I'm Raya."

"Hi." He just stares. Fine no name then.

I bite my lip. "Right. Um, I was just going to ask you to keep it down. There's no renno after 4."

"Good thing I'm not doing any then."

"There was banging on my wall."

"Which side?"

I grit my teeth. "The side that shares the same wall as your apartment."

He shakes his head. "No, you must be mistaken. I'm not doing any rennos right now."

"I heard it three times! Whatever it is, it's noisy and I'm asking you politely to stop."

He shrugs. "Wasn't me."

"Then who"-

"Knox, who's there?"

"How'd you even know I was out here?" I ask accusingly.

"Ring camera," he points to the doorbell. "Detects when there's someone there. You were standing there for five minutes I figured I'd put you out of your misery." He turns around, "Neighbour. Were you doing some banging just now?" He yells back.

"No!" I swear I hear a giggle. Little bitch.

He shrugs again. "Sorry, can't help you. Maybe it's a ghost," he smirks. And instantly I'm back to the and my throat closes up. He looked at me almost the exact same way. As if he knows something. What if he recognizes me?

"Uh huh. Well, um, anyways. Nice to meet you." I start to back away.

"Wait." He says. I stop dead, and curse myself as I do so. I should leave. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

My face blushes. Fuck. He doesn't recognize me. I choose my next words carefully. What if it's a test. To see if I'm lying. I'm being ridiculous again. I turn back around. "No, I get that a lot."

He nods, pursing his lips then shuts the door.

I don't hear anymore banging the rest of the night. The thought of course goes through my mind that maybe they together were the ones making the noise. Bed against the wall. But it would be more consistent. It's weird though that if it was anything other then that he wouldn't just tell me and apologize. And why didn't the girl come say hi? I would've.

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