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Miyoung was never one to have crushes - although she's a hopeless romantic

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Miyoung was never one to have crushes - although she's a hopeless romantic. Fictional men? Great, she currently has 100+ boyfriend. Celebrities? Mainly western celebrities. People she sees once and never again? That airport crush was a good distraction from a long flight. People she knows in real life? Close to none.

The idea of possibly liking a close friend of hers was almost, repugnant to her. Don't get her wrong, she has had her fair share of crushes on the seniors at her school and other idols. It just, it was never a friend or someone she talks to.

So, when Miyoung catches herself staring at Huening Kai from far away while eating her lunch, she nearly has an aneurism. She immediately loses her appetite, feeling nauseas as she rushes to gather her things, full out ignoring Beomgyu when he calls her name as she leaves.

That was two months ago, and Miyoung has yet to lose her feelings for Huening Kai, in fact, her feelings only growing. Fortunately for Miyoung, she was a great actress. Acting like normal was easy despite how she felt her heart racing against her ribcage every time he was near.

Still, despite this fact, she makes no move to confess her feelings. Aside from the age difference -three years weren't a lot, but she was still 17, almost 18- Miyoung did not enjoy the thought of getting rejected and then having to awkwardly spend time with him whenever their groups hang out.

That is until December 2023, award shows season and also the month she turns 18. The crush for Hueningkai was now nearly half a year old. It was clearly there to stay, so, maybe it wasn't a bad idea to confess, right?

And so, Miyoung becomes determined in preparing herself to confess. She starts by talking with the love expert himself, Ni-ki, who has as much love experience as her; Absolutely zero.

The two maknaes, after A LOT of teasing, gather together their barely-there braincells and form a plan. Although, it's quickly put to a stop when Jay hears about a glitter bomb while walking past their room.

Jay is soon inserted on the planning and the final and flawless plan is created: Miyoung buys a plushie to gift him, which will make him fall in love with her immediately, she confesses and boom, a model couple is born.

The three decide to put their plan in motion in MAMA. Miyoung is quickly stuck with the dilemma of either confessing while looking like a used dancing tampon or confessing early, getting rejected and spending the entire night awkwardly trying to avoid Hueningkai and TXT as a whole.

Miyoung chooses the tampon one. Hey, red is the color of love, haha...

Tonight was not a good night.

Tonight was not a good night

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