Harry has lit up my life and shown me the light that I didn't know even existed. I thought I was destined for darkness and with a small match and a lot of faith, Harry led me out of the black hole of sadness I had fallen into and led me out into the spotlight.

Harry makes me feel beautiful in the most pure sort of way. Even in his sleep, my touch causes him to smile and that's enough for me.

He will always be enough for me.

"Pretty boy?" I whisper, leaning forward to press my lips to his cheek. "Can you wake up soon?"

There's no answer since he is asleep so I run my finger further up his jaw towards his ears and start to comb his curls back behind his ear with my fingertips.


"Shh, Arls..." He groggily hums, surprising me since I've either woken him or he has been awake this whole time.

Lazily tightening his arms around me, he pulls me closer to his body and hooks his leg back over mine with slight authority. His lips that were just smiling press a chaste kiss to the very tip of my nose which then scrunches up.

"Can we go and get coffee?"

"Later," He hums, snuggling further into my pillow and forcing me into the plushness with him. "I need to catch up on sleep,"

His voice is thick with sleep, gravelly and croaky as he hasn't used his voice all night.

Continuing to blink the sleep from my eyes, I brush my nails back through Harry's hair softly with a concerned smile on my face. "You've not been sleeping well?"

Keeping his eyes closed, he shakes his head on the pillow and groans a little. "Nope... been so used to havin' you in my bed..."

I giggle, feeling somewhat prideful that he likes having me there so much.

"... Just feels empty now..." He adds tiredly.

He is speaking even slower than usual but I don't mind wasting away our time tangled in each other's arms.

"Maybe I should come back with you," I suggest, knowing full well that I am committed to a filming contract for a movie right now.

"I wish you could," He sighs, blinking his eyes open and squinting at the light that's bursting through the thin gap in the drawn curtains. "The boys love it when you and Pri are with us,"

"That's because they all have a crush on Pri," I comment.

Harry's eyes are watery from the early morning but I love the way it makes the green irises look almost iridescent and ethereal in the morning sun.

"True, I think Liam and Niall are both trying to shag her," I smile, loving the thickness of his accent and how the grogginess accentuates his British flair. "When do you finish filming?"

"Another month I think," I tell him sadly, watching as his eyes once again feather closed.

"When you're done, do you want to come back on the road with us?"

"Do you want me to?"

He nods quickly. "I want you with me always but it's up to you, baby."

Smiling, I lean forward and kiss his lips even though neither one of us has got up to brush our teeth yet. I know it is probably gross to most people but when you're this in love with someone, nothing would stop you from kissing them in a moment like this.

"I want to be with you always too. I love you everywhere, right?"

Opening his eyes again, I am once more knocked back by the vibrant green of his eyes.

Flight risk. [h.s]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz