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TW: mention of rape, panic attack (like) at the end!

"What is that?" Hobie asked, holding a package in his hands while Y/n jumped out of the kitchen and ripped it out of his hands. It was heavy and seemed to be something big.

"A playstation, dummy!" With that, Y/n unpacked the new console and placed it under the TV, connecting all the wires and starting it then. Hobie watched, sitting down on his couch.

"Seriously?" Hobie mumbled seeing the 'Just dance' cover after Y/n logged themself in. They nodded excitedly and held one of the controllers into Hobie's face who took it with a sigh. He knew Y/n loved 'Just dance' it was one of their favorite things to do, especially 'cause they slayed doing so.

"The one who loses has to clean up for the next week." Y/n said and started one of their favorite dances, knowing no one could beat them at that: 'Uptown Funk' by Bruno Mars. Hobie was able to keep up but Y/n was better and won the first round with all stars.

"Okay, you won. Next round, my song." Hobie said and looked around for a song that Y/n maybe didn't know. He couldn't find any, so they just kept dancing to old songs from Katy Perry, One Direction, Lady Gaga and what else. And Y/n won almost every time, only once Hobie won and he went cheering so loud, Y/n had to calm him down.

Y/n felt like a little child they never were allowed to be. The only times they played Just dance was at a few parties they attended to and that was about it, yet it was their favorite game to play.

The two of them sat down on the couch, sweating as if they ran a marathon, they were laughing and giggling at the songs they were dancing to previously. Hobie was the one who chose the ghostbusters song and played the green slime ghost. After that they danced to a children's song and now they were quite out of energy to keep dancing.

"Alright, wanna eat something? We can call some pizza in, if you want." Hobie asked and Y/n nodded with a shoulder shrug. The Spider-boy used his webs to get his phone and called, ordering some pizza and some drinks too. Then he hung up again while Y/n leaned their head against his shoulder and inhaled deeply.

"Thanks.." They whispered softly after a while of silence. It wasn't even an awkward silence, Y/n felt safe and didn't want this to end. Hobie looked at them from the side and a soft smile grew on his lips, he knew why they thanked him so he didn't answer on it, he didn't have to. Y/n knew he would do all this so they could stay safe and have a little timeout from what was happening to them.

After maybe more than half an hour of sitting on the couch quietly, the doorbell rang and the two friends stood up to get the food. It was two party pizzas and two drinks, they took both into the kitchen and sat down to start eating.

"It's been almost two weeks already, don't you think I can go back out? I mean I feel good." Y/n said and it felt a little bit as if they were talking to some adult and not their best friend. Hobie looked up at them, the cheese of his pizza hanging down off all edges. He got his pizza always with extra cheese.

"No, Jenna- The doctors said six to seven weeks." He mumbled, taking quite the huge bite off his pizza but the spider inside him was really fucking hungry, so he didn't really care about it.

"Since when do you listen to stuff authority people say, anyway? If you were in my position, you wouldn't even stay one day in!" Y/n claimed and sounded a bit upset, not much but it was in their voice that they found it unfair.

"Yea, I got some fancy spider powers, you ain't have them." Hobie replied and rolled his eyes. Okay, he got a point there but Y/n still didn't want to keep sitting around in the same place for any longer. It was tiring and they were bored.

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