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"Come in." Hobie said, opening the door to his small apartment, widened his arms and let Y/n step in. They smiled and shook their head at their friend and his silly acting. The apartment was small, a two room place with a small kitchen and a small TV, that also Y/n paid. Hobie did not want them to when they bought it but they insisted and kind of forced the TV inside, so he had one now.

Y/n kinda paid for everything in this apartment.. they paid the apartment itself, their brother thinks it's just a backup place for them. But the truth is, Y/n didn't want Hobie to be living on the street when he was only 14. Though Hobie was so mad at Y/n, he didn't talk to them for a week. Now, it was just his place and it won't change.

"Wanna eat something?" Hobie asked, smooth as a snake, he walked behind Y/n into the kitchen, his hands shortly laid on their waist, to make sure he wouldn't bump into them. Y/n froze a little at the touch but tried to play it cool and shook their head a little.

"No thanks, I'm fine." They smiled and crossed their arms after placing the bags of clothes down on the floor. Hobie turned to them, looking up and down, then narrowing his eyes. He knew Y/n didn't eat enough but he never pointed it out, he really didn't need to, did he? They knew, he knew and it would be quite disrespectful if he asked them about it.

"Alright, Imma make some pizza, you can go shower, eh?" He suggested. Y/n nodded and took the bags again, carrying them into Hobie's room. It was a mess but they didn't mind. And neither did Hobie.

There were some guitars standing around at the wall, some tech stuff he made and lots of stolen boxes of waffles, also some books and his clothes on the floor. Y/n chuckled at the sight and unpacked the bags, taking their clothes.

"Oi, don't mind the clothes, Imma tidy them up while you're showering." Hobie yelled from the kitchen.

"I don't mind, don't worry." Y/n left his room again and went to the bathroom, it was just as small as the other rooms but Hobie fit in, so would Y/n, obviously. They took off their clothes and closed their eyes as they stepped into the shower. As long as they didn't pay attention to their chest, it's gonna be okay. While this mantra kept repeating in their head, they showered quickly and put on some of Hobie's clothes. He did have some hoodies, he just didn't wear them a lot, so Y/n took them all the time.

The apartment smelled like pizza and Y/n did hear their stomach grumble, and so did Hobie. He smirked at them and raised an eyebrow, with a frown, his best friend sat down next to him on the couch and grabbed a slice.

"By the way, I love your new haircut." Hobie suddenly said and Y/n turned to him while chewing. They smiled softly, their cheek turning red by the sudden compliment and rolled their eyes.

"Little Hypocrite." Y/n breathed out and chuckled. The Spider-boy turned to them offended and shook his head, his wicks waving around a bit.

"How dare ya?" He gasped and turned away, crossing his arms. Y/n shrugged their shoulders, the two started giggling like little kids and Hobie grabbed the Tv remote, throwing it to Y/n who actually caught it.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked then, Y/n agreed and they started the player, skipping through the different channels, searching for something to watch. Hobie's eyes laid on his best friend, he thought about Jenna's words "Be their normal." and he wondered how to do that. Is watching TV together normal? He really didn't know what 'normal' meant to Y/n, to him.

"Nothing good to watch." Y/n groaned and learned their head back, Hobie chuckled and reached for the remote but Y/n held it behind their back and smirked.

"Nu-uh." They said while Hobie looked at them surprised. He tried to reach for it again but Y/n just stood up and stepped back, still smirking. They were in a good mood for the fact they just left the hospital.

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