Awaiting the Inevitable

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Starlight was having a panic attack in her lab, which now looked like an average bedroom. The steel walls were covered with purple wallpaper, the metal floor was replaced with warm magenta carpet, a thinner light pink carpet laid under the queen-sized bed, the bed itself had four long poles that met at the top of the bed which had a dark purple curtain to wrap around the bed, the sheets and comforters were dark purple as well, and the pillow was a contrast lighter shade of purple. She was laying against Mayhem's chest, Mayhem was playing her music box while rubbing circles on Starlight's back. Starlight's uneven breaths were always unnerving to Mayhem, they were technically like sisters. Mayhem was built and strictly follows her programming of attending to whatever Starlight requires without question, strictly without question. In all honesty, she had no idea why Starlight was freaking out, but it was undoubtedly something horrible.

Creator decided to do her research on this Hurt Incantation. There were zero results, nothing, nada. Were Starlight and Mist really talking about something that doesn't exist...? Or do they not want it to exist...? She dwelled on this for a while. The more she thought about it, the better the conclusion came out for her. If Mist and Starlight were discussing something that supposedly doesn't exist, has no history. It's not that it doesn't exist... her eyes widened as she was hit with shock. They're keeping it from existing. She bawled her hands into fists, her green eyes glowing in her pitch-black room. She was always fond of the Darkness for some reason, probably why she works better with him. "Oh, you've made a grave mistake Rose... I will make sure you regret bringing me into it."

Her tired yellow eyes widened, she knew Starlight's promise to keep her a secret was a strict promise, but she didn't expect Nightmare to do what she did. She had already sent Starlight several now unread messages. She knew Creator knew as soon as she saw her search history. She was probably going to regret it, but based on the message sent a few minutes ago, everyone was supposedly asleep. She had often used unused or abandoned numbers to message Starlight, who has a system set up in her phone to only let her messages and calls pass. Either way, she had to take her chances. After all, Starlight's 30th birthday is in five years. She decided against her better judgment to go. She appeared in Starlight's room-looking lab. She hacked Mayhem to basically make her pass out without stopping the music box. Starlight noticed this instantly and turned to the yellow-eyed girl. "Hello Starlight..."

"... London..." It seemed that only by noticing her presence she calmed down instantly.

"I take it you already know." She crossed her arms.

Starlight slowly nodded. "I'm sorry Lon."

"It's okay," She appeared in the light of the bed. "You were just trying to uphold a promise."

Starlight wore a sad smile, looking at the stairs. "If our guess is correct, then we're all awaiting the inevitable."

"Well, I'm going to keep stalking Creator's internet time, and see what's up." London said with a reassuring smile.

Starlight's smile faded, they locked eyes, and London watched the sparks disappear from her eyes. "Goodbye London."

London nodded and disappeared into Starlight's phone.

Mayhem reactivated and Starlight fell asleep.

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