People Stay Testing Us

Start from the beginning

Realtor: Oh my apologies Mr.Taylor didn't mention he was looking with his fiancé

Fatima: He didn't have to and your apology isn't accepted because you're trying to be funny.

Realtor: No ma'am I wasn't

Fatima: I'm not your ma'am and instead of you trying to push up on every person that comes through and look at a property how about you actually try doing your job and sell a property.

We're no longer interested

Realtor: Mr. Taylor are you sure?

Zac: You heard what my fiancé said with your rude ass

We walked out and left, she knew exactly what she was doing. I seen the way she was eying Zac soon as he stepped on the property. Licking her big ass crusty lips.

Zac: I didn't do nothing I didn't even know she was like that

Fatima: Her ass gone meet her match one day pushing up on peoples man/husbands. Then had the nerve to say she thought I was your mother. I look younger than her with them damn bags under her eyes that she tried to conceal.

Zac: When she said that I thought you were about to snap

Fatima: I can't snap on people like I normally would I have to think about my baby first but trust me I can get anything handled if I need to

Zac: I know you can , I know you got connections

Fatima: Sure do

We have time to get something to eat before we go to the next house.

Fatima: Good because I am starving

We ended up getting some breakfast sandwiches and coffee from this black owned coffee shop.

We ended up checking out the last three houses the last house we looked at was perfect. It was big enough for us to grow into and it was well under our price range.

Zac: Do we both agree that the last house was the best out of all four houses?

Fatima: Yes, I love it I already know what I want to do with the babies room . And it's enough space for you to have a man cave and an office for me.

Zac: Okay we can think on it and come up with out final decision we have at least 60 days until we would be able to move in. That gives me enough time to put the condo up for rent.

Fatima: Are we about to do this, become home owners?

Zac: I feel like it's only right considering I do sell properties.

Fatima phone ringing , why do she keep calling me

Zac: Who is it

Fatima: My mom

Zac: Could be an emergency, you should probably answer it

Fatima: I'm sure it isn't an emergency

Zac: Just think if you don't answer she's going to keep calling you

Fatima: Ugh your're right


Mrs.Wilson: Fatima I been calling you all day

Fatima: I am busy, what can I help you with?

Mrs.Wilson: I know you're still mad at me but I do not appreciate hearing that you are with child from a Facebook post.

Fatima: I'm sorry that you feel that way but you weren't invited because your intentions are not pure

Mrs.Wilson: How can you say that I am your mother

Fatima: And what mother have you been?

Mrs.Wilson: I know I have not been the perfect example of a mother but I still love you

Fatima: Mom love doesn't matter when you constantly showing me different

Mrs.Wilson: I am sorry I know I hurt you but I want to change for you and my grand baby. I know it is going to take some time but at least let me try and prove it to you.

Fatima: I don't know mom can you give me some time to think about everything please.

Mrs.Wilson: Sure take all the time you need, Fatima I really mean it this time. You are all I really have left.

Fatima: Okay mom I gotta go

Fatima: See I told you it wasn't an emergency she was just mad because she found out I was having a baby from a picture on someone's Facebook page it was probably Angelas page. She wants me to give her another chance

Zac: Do you think she is serious this time around?

Fatima: I really don't know Zac, apart of me want to but another part does not trust her. Our relationship is far from damaged I don't know if it's even able to repair

Zac: Just pray on it and I am here for what ever decision you make. I know it's not easy

Fatima: It's not and I am torn

Zac: You will always have me in your corner babe, I just hope your mom doesn't break your heart again if you do let her back in. Because if she does then we gone have a problem

Fatima: Thank you baby

Zac: Valerie called me and stated someone wants to look at the condo next door.

Fatima: Okay get that easy money rolling back in

Zac: Yes Valerie already ran the background check and checked the references

We pulled up to the house and the couple was standing outside waiting.

Zac: Sorry to keep you both waiting. I'm Zac and this is my fiancé Fatima

Couple: Nice to meet you both. We seen the listing and knew we had to hop on it fast before it's gone. We are starting our family so this would be a perfect start.

The young woman rubbing her belly.

Fatima: congrats,

Young woman: Thank you it's our first, is this your first?

Looking at Fatima's belly

Fatima: Yes

Young Woman: Congrats to you as well then

Zac: Well lets take a look at the property

We showed the couple the place and they fell in love, they were ready to move in today if they could.

Zac: Valerie will be in touch with an update

Couple: Thanks again

Zac: What do you think of the couple?

Fatima: They seem okay from first glance

Zac: Everyone seems okay from first glance, this is the first couple where everything cleared

Fatima: Well if everything checks out lets make this young couples day

Zac: Alright I will run everything by Valerie and have her finalize everything

Fatima: Are you ready t finish what you started this morning

Zac: I'm always ready

Zac started unbuttoning his shirt before he could even get in the house

Fatima: Babe can you at least get in the house before you start taking off all your clothes

Zac: You know I get excited

Fatima: I see we ain't going no where we got all night. I want you to bend me over like you said this morning.

Zac: Oohhh you nasty but I love it.

Fatima: Let's start in the shower then we can finish in the bed

Zac: Say less I'm already naked

The love session went on for what seemed like forever from the shower to the bed to hanging over the balcony.

He wore me out

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