A short lifetime story pt. 6//Minsung

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Jisung arrives in front of Minho and hugs his boyfriend's mother, while Minho and Han's father greet each other warmly. And an instant later, the older grabs his sweaty hand, dragging him to the altar.

Han meets those soft eyes again. Time seems to have slowed down, the wind passes through Minho's hair slowly, like in the best k-dramas.

«You're beautiful» the older whispers and then he turns towards the mayor, ready for the ceremony, leaving Han to stare in amazement at that perfect profile. That man is so perfect.

The younger can't listen to almost any of the nice words said to them, he's continuing to replay his speech in his mind. He doesn't remember a word, obviously, but he has it all written down on a piece of paper. A piece of paper that... 

"Shit, I left it in the room!"

Minho feels Han stirring next to him and strokes his thumb over his knuckles to calm him down, thinking he is just overwhelmed with emotions.

And the time for speeches comes.

Minho takes out his paper. His hand is shaking, his voice threatens not to leave his throat, but he has to do it. He knows Han really cares about this kind of things.

«My dear Han Jisung» he starts, with a trembling voice, «I've never been good with words and I love short speeches.» Some laughts leave the crowd, that can't wait to hear their sweet words.

«So I'll just tell you this.» Minho takes a deep breath and looks up from his paper. Han is already crying and the older smirks, ready to conclude the fastest speech in the history of weddings:

«You're mine. Marry me, please, or I'll have to kidnap you.»

Their friends burst out laughing, Minho's mom refrains from giving him a spanking and rolls her eyes, but she smiles too. Han loves his son like that, sassy and weird. And she loves him too.

«Minho...» Han is sobbing. He would have been moved whatever Minho had said. He knows that it's a lot for the older to open up like that in front of everyone. And Jisung loves him like this, shy, with his quirks and strangeness, and for a moment he almost forgot that he doesn't have his long, romantic speech with him...

«It's your turn, baby, shower me with compliments» Minho says, chuckling.

Han looks at him in panic: «I forgot the paper» he whispers, while the closest relatives begin to realize that something is wrong.

«Improvise, you can't make an uglier speech than me. You are Han Jisung, after all» Minho whispers to him, grabbing his hand again and winking.

Chan had gotten up and was about to ask Han where the paper was so he could go and get it in a hurry, but he stops when he hears Minho's words.

Han's face lights up. He doesn't need the paper.

«Good evening everyone.» he starts, smiling at Chan who sits back down, «I'm Han Jisung and obviously I forgot the paper with my promise.» the younger says, eliciting laughter and applause from the audience.

«I'm a mess, but Lee Minho has loved me the way I am from the first moment.» he adds, making his eyes meet Minho's, who blushes.

«Minho isn't just damn good-looking... Come on, well, you all look at him! With this outfit, he is super hot!» Han points to his boyfriend, making everyone laugh.

«But he is also a wonderful person.» he adds, losing himself into the older soft eyes, «There's nothing he wouldn't do for the ones he loves, there's not a day he doesn't try to make me smile and...» Han sighs, smiling sweetly, «Min, there is nothing I couldn't do with you by my side. You are my strength and my weakness.» 

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