Thieves // Minsung🔞

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Minsung - "Thieves"

Smut, NC17, Adult Content

Han's p.o.v.

We had organized everything down to the smallest detail, as always. It was all thanks to the members of our group and, until that moment, we had never missed a heist.

Seungmin never left anything to chance, while Felix was in charge of computer systems. He'd grown holed up in a bloody basement, just him and his computers. He was a little weird, to be honest, but who in the Stray kids wasn't?

Chan was our leader, he was in charge of picking targets. He always chose them with great care, we couldn't afford to make a single mistake.

What did we steal? Cash, jewelry, valuables, anything we could sell. Every now and then we also took some objects of little value, let's say some souvenirs. Minho loved to pick out a book in every house. His face when he couldn't find books in some houses was exhilarating:

«How could people live without reading?!»

Felix tried to explain that kindles and webtoons existed, but Minho has always been a bit of a boomer.

Hyunjin was our cover-up. He was from a rich family, he was handsome, a famous model; no one would ever suspect him and his friends who met to "play" in his villa.

Why did he steal? For the same reason of us: we had what I called the Robin Hood syndrome. You got it right, we didn't want a single dollar. We donated everything we could to charity, using different methods and various types of channels to buy and sell stolen goods. And this is where Changbin came into play. We were well organised, I must admit it.

What about Minho and I, you ask? Minho and I did the theft.

«Han, don't do shit like last time» he said seriously as I drove to this month's destination.

«I don't know what you're talking about» I said, with a smile, pretending not to know he was referring to my almost getting the wrong address.

He glared at me.

«Come on, I corrected myself! I immediately understood that something was wrong!»

«At least you're smart» he snorted.

«And beautiful» I smiled, throwing him a wink.

«Look at the road, moron» he snapped, keeping his eyes straight ahead.

We parked the car a few blocks from the villa we'd been eyeing for the past few weeks. We knew everything at that point: who lived there, what they did for a living, how much the clothes they wore were worth, the shifts of the guards, how to tame the guard animals. Everything.

I told you, Seungmin was like the Paper House Professor.

We took off our clothes hidden inside our van and put on overalls. They were clothes that Chan had made, designed by Hyunjin and thought by Seungmin. A light, breathable, waterproof fabric, suitable for all eventualities, both hot and cold, resistant to fire - but not that much, the scar on my left arm could confirm that fire is difficult to stop - and it had padding near the vital organs, to protect us against possible bullets and animal bites.

Oh, yes, it was a really useful feature. Minho had been bitten by a big dog, but fortunately on the forearm and no nerves were injured.

I glanced at him as he remained in his boxers and slipped into his black overalls. I loved watching his back and took advantage of it whenever I could.

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