A short lifetime story pt. 6//Minsung

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Minsung - "A short lifetime story pt. 6// Wedding day"

NC17, Adult Content

3rd person P.O.V.

«It will be the most beautiful wedding in the world and, even if everything goes wrong, it will be perfect because it's ours.» he says, smiling cutely.

And Han immediately puts his lips on Minho's: «Fuck, thank you for existing, Lee Minho»

.          .          .

Chan has arrived, albeit a few minutes late, with the wedding rings and everything seems ready. Han peers out the window at the garden as he ends buttoning his shirt. The altar is wonderful, made up of an arch completely adorned with flowers; the few relatives and closest friends are already seated and there is very little left until the start.

Han tries to focus on his breathing, not even knowing why he feels so agitated. Chan gave him a big hug and ran out to join the other witnesses and Han was left alone with the make-up artist, after the photographer had also finished his work. 

«Are you ready, Jisung?» his father appears in the doorway with a sincere smile and Han shakes his head. No, he isn't at all.

His father approaches him and fixes his son's tie, even if it was already perfect.

«I never thought I'd say it, but instead...» the man sighs, darkening for a few moments. After all, it hadn't been easy for either of the two boys to come out and initially Han's father had had a reaction that he wasn't proud of at all. But that was the past.

«You are a wonderful couple, Jisung» he says, causing the boy's eyes to fill with tears either because of unpleasant memories and because of a feeling of relief.

«I know, dad» he says, trying not to ruin his makeup. Jisung knows that he and Minho have always been special together and for years they didn't need anyone's approval. But hearing his own father finally say it, it's satisfying. 

«Thank you» he adds, with a smile, meeting his father's proud gaze.

The man pats him on the shoulder: «Minho is out there.» he says, smiling, «It's your turn now, my son.» 

Han nods and takes a note out of his trouser pocket. Minho gave it to him before kissing his nose and disappearing to get ready in the other room.

«Open it at the crucial moment» his fiancé said.

Han opens the crumpled paper and reads it.

'Just look at me. I will only look at you, my love. Forever.'

«Fuck!» Han snaps, fanning his face to dry the tears that threaten to run down his cheeks again. That boy could make him cry with a damn little note!

«Are you okay?» the man asks, concerned.

«Yeah, sorry» Han quickly says, grabbing the arm that his father is offering him and heading towards the stairs.

Han tries to concentrate on where to put his feet. He doesn't have high heels, but it doesn't matter, his legs seem to have turned to butter. His heart doesn't stop beating wildly in his chest, the air seems to barely enter his throat. But as soon as he steps out into the beautiful garden, a soft ray of golden hour sunlight illuminates his face, heating him, and his eyes, after quickly scanning the smiling familiar faces of their guests, lock on Minho.

He is there, beautiful, elegant, with that mocking smile on his lips, but his eyes are as sweet and sparkling as always. 

And Han knows it, he has always known it, but in that moment he can't think of anything else: "With you, Min, I could do anything."

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