Chapter 55 - Revelare

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"A witch. Like mother. Like you," I say, waiting for the words to settle. I always felt different, but I thought that was just a case of being socially awkward.

"Like us but also different. Your mother was a chaos witch, though no one knew. Chaos witches can access black magic without a talisman and are considered very dangerous. When The High Council made black magic illegal, along with even just whispering the word, you can imagine that it just about condemned every chaos witch in existence. Your mother hid her gift and eventually grew to despise it. She considered it a curse. A curse which I think has been handed down to you," Gran says, her words quiet and thoughtful towards the end.

"Anyway, I was an earth elemental witch." Gran's hand hovers above a flower just next to her, the field exploding into an array of colors as flowers that moments ago were closed all unfurl and start growing in front of my eyes.

"This is amazing," I say, my eyes still not believing what I am seeing.

"You are also an earth elemental witch; that's why you are able to grow flowers so easily. And all those balms you make that have 'magical properties'," Gran says, her finger tapping the side of her nose as she smirks, her eyebrows waggling in an amusing fashion, "that is part of your magic."

"We taught you some things when you were younger, but that is lost in your memories. Memories that will be revealed to you when you wake up. Everything is falling into place," Gran smiles, and as bad as everything seems, her smile gives me some comfort. Comfort and hope that I might just make it through this.

"You, by the looks of it, can access all the elements and chaos magic. But only play this card when you have to. Gael will not hesitate to take it from you if he knows. The necklace is the only thing protecting you at the moment," she says, pointing to the necklace that brought me here, its blue light humming in the depths. "It is the only thing stopping him from sucking both you and your little ones' powers. You know how bad it will be for not just you but the world if Geal gets his hand on that much power. His heart is only filled with darkness, and that darkness would bleed into reality if he succeeds."

Gran pats my arms reassuringly when she sees the fear cross my face.

"Come, let's go see what your hulking, handsome mate is up to. You got yourself a winner there," Gran says, making me blush. I wonder if she has seen everything we have been up to. All the sexy time Dmitri and I have been having.

We walk toward the cottage, the voices from inside becoming louder. Only once we are up the stairs and through the door do I realize that what is happening is not a memory or a premonition. This was what was happening at this very moment in my cottage. My eyes drift over everyone until they find the man that makes my heart jump with longing. His head quirks to the side, his gaze meeting mine even though I know he can't see me. Perhaps he can sense me here. I approach him, gently touching his face as his eyes squeeze closed. He can sense me.

Raina asks him what is wrong, but he brushes her off, not alluding to my presence here.

They are planning the rescue. And apparently, Savannah wants to cut a deal and help.

"We can't trust her," Gran says at the same time Dmitri does.

"We can't but we have no other option at the moment. She could get close enough to Sky to remove the witch's lei. I can make a potion using Gael's blood. I will tie the incantation into the potion; she wouldn't even need to say anything. Just get close enough to rub a drop on the lei. Once Sky is free, we can focus on separating Gael from the whip." Raina's plan sounded simple but it relied on Savannah, which was touch and go.

"The biggest problem is the power he took from Chris," Ally says, confusion on everyones faces.

"Nothing stops him from teleporting himself and Sky out of there as soon as he senses trouble. Who knows where he will take her," Ally's words send the room into silence.

Gran laughs next to me, shaking her head as she looks around the room at the now bleak-looking faces.

"You know, sometimes the oldest tricks in the book are the ones long forgotten." She walks over to the books shelf where I keep all my herbs along with the book that belonged to her—the one with all her recipes and scribbled-down notes in the margin.

Gran closes her eyes in concentration with her finger on the book's spine. Suddenly the book falls to the floor, falling open on a page. The entire room jumps, Mira, screeching in fright as Andrea holds her protectively.

The only person who doesn't jump is Dmitri, his eyes coming back to me as if he can still sense me.

"Time to go," Gran says, walking back towards me. "Everything is set in motion now. We only have a little bit of time before you need to return. Let's spend it walking in the field."

I give Dmitri one last lingering look, willing him to hurry up. It was time to end this nightmare. 

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