"Why on earth would they serve us drinks at the airport?"

“Yes, drinks and those Hawaiian necklaces, as a welcome.

"Why aren't we in Hawaii?" And stop inventing nonsense, we are not in a sixties movie with Carmem Miranda to invent this nonsense.

- EW. How boring! I thought landing here would put you in a better mood! That the air of the tropics would transform you into a nice and sensual Latin lover. Maybe even a little tanned? We'll have to take care of that skin of yours, Steve, you look like a vampire! I should have gotten those fake tans, you know? To better blend in with the locals! Shouldn't they be waiting for us with that fancy little sign?

“We're renting a car.

Steve pulls up in front of the car rental office and I call Penélope. She stayed with Henry and Sophia who are delighted to be able to train for when they have a baby of their own, as Sophia is finally pregnant.

“Hey, Natasha.” Sophia answers the video call and I wave.

- Hey!

"So, are you there yet?" Where are the beaches and the hot guys you said you were going to meet?

“Hey, shut up,” I chide her, looking back to see if Steve heard, but he's busy with the rental clerk.

“Do you want to get me into trouble with Steve? I didn't say I was going to meet hot guys in that tone!

- I understood in that tone yes... - She laughs.

- For! Do you want Steve to file for divorce and leave me here in Brazil? Although that wouldn't be a bad idea! I would marry a tanned, dark Brazilian, who would take me dancing to these samba schools in those tiny sequined bikinis! I'm sure I would rock it, you know I'm a very good dancer.

— You dance very badly.

- Hey!

— Do you remember that you decided to choreograph Single Ladies by Beyoncé to dance along with the other bridesmaids at my wedding and it was horrible?

— I was pregnant, of course it was going to look awful, it was a really bad idea! But I'm a great dancer, and besides, samba isn't difficult. I'll learn here, you'll see. Steve and I go to these Carnival dance spots like the locals!

— Please ask Steve to record this, I want to laugh.

— You're jealous, because you're out there, in the cold, and I'm here in this wonderful heat.

- Wonderful? You seem a little out of sorts.

Oh shit, yes. Sweat is pouring down my flushed face, my makeup has melted and this outfit I'm wearing, corduroy pants and a more winter-appropriate sweater, is killing me.

I'm about to rip off my clothes and get my bra on right there. Is it prohibited? Pprobably not, it's Brazil. They walk around naked, I hear. Although there at the airport everyone is dressed. But it must be all foreign tourists.

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