i can be myself with him. it's like i don't have to suffocate underneath that mask when i talk to him. he doesn't judge me. he's just too dreamy. i wish he wasn't.

i wish he was a bigger asshole than jai so that i could block him and be done with it but i can't stop thinking about him

oooh someone's got it bad

shut up

sweetie, i'm pretty sure he was talking about you. you won't admit it to him that you like him because you are scared to take a risk. he won't admit it to you because he doesn't want to scare you away from him. you will be running around in hopeless circles waiting for someone to drop the truth bomb. it's going to become exhausting.

i suggest you woman up and make a decision soon. do you want delicious veer or boring jai?

the answer is easy. you know it too.

the problem is my dad. i promised him i would marry the guy he chooses if he lets me start the company.

promises are meant to be broken.

i'm pretty sure that's not the purpose of a promise.

shut up, mother

listen to me, sahana. you've already gotten your company sorted out. business is booming. you're financially independent now and you don't have to depend on your family. screw your promise to your father. this is your life we are talking about. this is your happiness. you can't give up on that for that stupid promise you made when you were desperate.

you're right

of course i am right duh.

i'm surprised you haven't snatched yourself a boyfriend, ish.

honestly, i'm surprised too but i think men aren't brave enough to handle me.

those cowards are missing out.

true that

aw, thanks ladies.

now go back to the men in your lives and leave my single ass be.

now go back to the men in your lives and leave my single ass be

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