with Wisdom to Help.

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Annabeth pov.
Percy sat me down in the seat of the Boing-777 and removed the blindfold from my eyes. He had made sure I had no idea were we were going. He had even asked the pilot not to give our destination away in his announcement. All I knew was that the turquoise credit card was a miracle. We had been brought directly to the airplane and skipped the usual boarding and security check points.

I looked around as Percy sat down next to me. He made a brave face even though I could see how pail he was. He still didn't like airplanes. I took note of my first class compartment. "Don't try to find out where we are going over the entertainment system. I made sure that they blocked your terminal." Percy warned me. I cracked a smile for his sake. Why he still bothered to hang around with me as beyond me. I only knew that I was grateful. "I love you Seaweed brain." I whispered. He grinned and kissed my on the cheek. I had hoped for a kiss on the lips but this was better then nothing. I also had the suspicion that this was part of his plan. I sighed. He was so cute, especially when he became all bossy and caring. Why he still wanted to stay with me was not understandable. All I knew was that I would let him screw me if he ever wanted to. Hell, I would jump him if I wasn't so tired.

I had been exhausted for months. To tired to do anything really. I did what I needed to for collage and was satisfied with curling up in Percy's arms on the couch and watching TV in the evening. If I was honest I also wanted to sleep in one bed with him but I was afraid of being pushy so I didn't ask. Every time I woke up from a nightmare he was holding my hand so it wasn't to bad but still... Before the airplane even started moving this laming exhaustion that had been dominating my life since the war took over and my eyelids became heavy. "Good night Seaweed brain." I whispered. His arm snaked itself around me and pulled me against his warm chest. Just as I fell asleep I vaguely noticed him pulling a blanket over me and kiss the top of my head.

Percy pov.
My stomach made a unpleasant lurch as the air plane left the ground and sailed of into the night. Annabeth's small hands turned to fists and she held on to the front of my shirt. She looked peaceful in her dreams. I gently stroked her cheek as she slept ignoring my discomfort from the flying. Annabeth mumbled something about not finding a Seaweed brain in her sleep. I smiled to myself. "Are you two married?" I looked around. In the centre isle, one row in front of us sat a little girl with her parents. They shushed the girl. "I'm sorry. She watches to much Disney." The father apologized. I smiled at the little girl. "No, but I plan to ask her to marry me very soon." I informed her. She beamed at me. "That is so sweet." She squealed reminding me of the Aphrodite cabin. The mother also took notice of us and smiled. "You look good together. She looks tired." She commented. I smiled at the beauty in my arms. "Yeah. It's been a very traumatizing year for us." She nodded. "Well, good luck you two." I nodded. "Thanks." I closed my eyes and buried my face in Annabeth's hair breathing in her sent. I could smell the lemon shampoo in her hair, her scent made me feel at home. It was even enough to let my forget my fear of flying.

"Greetings son of Poseidon. I trust I'm not disturbing your slumber." I opened my eyes annoyed. The person addressing me was again sitting in the centre Isle but this time from the same row of seats I was sitting. My annoyance disappeared the moment I recognized the dark haired, gray eyed goddess. "Lady Athena?" I asked. She nodded curtly. "I remember telling you that I didn't approve of your friendship with my daughter yet two years later you started a relationship with her." I nodded. "I did." She met my gaze with her intelligent gray eyes. "Hours ago my daughter tried to brake up with you and you didn't let her go." She pressed. I smiled. "Have you considered what would have happened if I didn't." She nodded. "Artemis would have stopped her from ending her life and I would have cursed you for abandoning her." She said although I could see the smallest hint of a smile on her proud face.

"Moments ago you suggested that you were methodically going to toss her an apple." She remarked. I grinned not really caring if I pissed her off. "Yeah. If the right moment presents itself." She pursed her lips. "Then you will need this." She handed me a small, black box. "I know it's a very modern gesture but mortals seemed to have adopted it." She said calmly. I stared at her open mouthed. "Are you giving me your blessing?" She sighed. " I see Annabeth's nickname for you fits. Yes, I am I also took the liberty of arranging your stay. She will wake up as soon as your surprise is complete. In the year that has past I have treated my daughter cruel and let out my inner conflicts with Minerva out on her." She handed me a big, brown envelope. I bowed my head feeling that the conversation was over. "Ohh and Jackson?" I looked up at her. "I can see how much my daughter cares for you. She also has surtan desires that, so far, you have failed to fulfil." I felt my cheeks heating up. "I suggest that you do something about that when you reach your destination. Now, although it is uncommon Athena is a very nice name for a child." I would have laughed if Athena's face betrayed any emotion. "Do you know something I don't." She looked at me blankly. "I am merrily anticipating in enviable. Make her laugh again Jackson. For some reason I feel that you are the only person that can give her back her smile." Athena devolved.

I breathed deeply. That had gone well. I couldn't believe that Athena actually more or less told me to sleep with her treasured daughter and even gave me the ring for a proposal. I opened the small box. On the velvet cushions lay two, pail platinum rings. One of them had a rose made of millions of sapphires on the top. I smiled to myself. "Annabeth Jackson sounds better than Annabeth Chase anyway." I muttered to myself and closed my eyes. I looked down at my girlfriend again, marvelling at the beauty. Nothing could ever take that away from her. It was her that was beautiful. To me her appearance didn't really matter although I had to admit that I liked how she looked. Over the next few minutes I also drifted off to sleep. I knew when and where I was going to let her wake up. It wasn't long before I also fell asleep.

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