The Will of Eywa

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Lai'ra's heart sank as she sat in the helicopter with the Recoms, her mind consumed by despair. She could sense the weight of impending doom hanging over her, mentally preparing herself for the possibility of death. The chilling words echoed through her, sending a shiver down her spine. "Everyone, move out. We have the girl. The Sullys will follow, and then we will kill them all," the Recom declared, her voice filled with sinister intent, as they headed towards a ship out on the water. Lai'ra's eyes shot open, fear gripping her entire being. The realization hit her like a tidal wave. They were planning a massacre. Panic surged through her veins, causing her heart to pound relentlessly in her chest. "No! Please! Why are you doing this?!" Lai'ra screamed out, her voice filled with a mix of desperation and anger. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over as she pleaded for mercy.
"Do you want me to shut her up, Marshall?" a male Recom hissed, addressing the demon within Lai'ra's mother. Marshall chuckled darkly, "No, it's okay, Lyle." She approached Lai'ra, kneeling down before her. Lai'ra looked up, meeting Marshall's gaze with a mix of fear and confusion. "Why? Why kill them all? What did they do to you? And what do you want from me? I understand your hatred for Toruk Makto, but..." Marshall's expression hardened, her voice laced with bitterness. "Because, kid, it's a matter of principle. Jake Sully betrayed the entire Human race when he chose to wage war and side with your people. So now, he and his entire family have to pay. And as for you... well, you're going to become RDA property, just as you were intended to be nine years ago." She leaned in closer, her voice dripping with menace. "I can't wait to claim your strong, young body as my own."

Lai'ra's gasp caught in her throat, her breath choking with shock and disbelief. The numbing sensation that had enveloped her body was abruptly shattered by an overwhelming surge of rage. She thrashed and twisted, desperately attempting to break free from her restraints, fueled by a burning determination to defy her captors.
"No! You sick fuck! How could you do this?!" she bellowed, her voice filled with righteous anger and a fierce resolve. Her features contorted into a snarl as she declared, "I swear to Eywa! You will pay for this!" The words tore through the air, carrying her unwavering defiance. In the midst of her torment, Lai'ra vowed that her captors would face the full consequences of their despicable actions.
Marshall shoved her forcefully against the cold, unyielding metal. The menacing edge in Marshall's voice sent shivers down Lai'ra's spine as she stared defiantly into her captor's eyes.
"Listen to me, little girl," Marshall hissed, her voice dripping with a venomous determination. "You got away once, but I assure you, I will personally make sure you don't leave here alive if you keep this up. You got me?" The intensity of her gaze bore into Lai'ra's, leaving no room for doubt about the cruel fate that awaited her.
Lai'ra's heart raced, her defiance tempered by a flicker of fear. She clenched her jaw, refusing to yield to the threats before her. With a challenging glint in her eyes, she muttered through gritted teeth, "You're defying the balance of nature... There's no way Eywa will allow this. I'll make sure of it."
The helicopter descended, finally reaching its destination to the massive ship. The sound of roaring engines and clanging metal filled the air as the vessel came into view. Lai'ra's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with desperate thoughts of escape.
The Recoms roughly grabbed hold of Lai'ra, their grips unyielding as they dragged her on the ship. She struggled against them, her body writhing in a futile attempt to break free.

Meanwhile, Neteyam soared through the sky. His gaze fixed on the ship looming in the distance. With every powerful beat of the Ikran's wings, he drew closer and closer.
Neteyam's grip tightened on the reins as he urged his Ikran to fly faster. The wind rushed past him, whipping through his hair as he focused all his senses on the ship ahead. His conviction surged through his veins, overpowering any fear or doubt that threatened to slow him down.
"I'm coming, my love. I won't let them take you away from me," he vowed, his voice carrying a resolute determination. His heart beat in sync with the rhythmic flapping of the Ikran's wings, each beat pushing him closer to Lai'ra. Neteyam's mind became a singular focus, his emotions driving him forward. He knew the risks, but his love for Lai'ra propelled him with an unwavering determination. No force in the universe could stand between them, and he would prove it, one fallen enemy at a time. As he approached the ship he called to an Ilu and dove into the water, wanting to make himself less conspicuous to the enemy as he devised a plan to sneak onboard the ship.

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