This Is Goodbye

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Lai'ra walks away with a heavy heart and immediately goes to grab a drink. She begins chugging as her tears keep flowing. Tsireya sees her and quickly runs over, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Lai'ra what's wrong?" She asks, concern etched on her face. Lai'ra sniffles, wiping away her tears. "Neteyam and I just broke up for real, and I feel like my heart has been shattered into a million pieces." Tsireya pulls Lai'ra into a tight embrace. "I'm so sorry. What do you mean by for real? Do you want to talk about it?" Lai'ra nods and slowly pulls away. "We're going to need a lot of this." She says grabbing as many drinks as she can. They both sneak away to the edge of the festival and Lai'ra tells her everything about Neteyam and Ao'nung and how she found out, what Lo'ak did for her. Everything.

Tsireya gasps initially, but then listens attentively, her heart breaking for her friend. "I had no idea, Lai'ra. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that." She takes a deep breath and then continues, "If I knew what the fuck Ao'nung was doing I would've killed him. Matter of fact. I'm going to wring that thick ass neck of his. I can't believe he would go behind your back with your boyfriend. That good for nothing, lying fucking bitch. He's always been such a slut." Tsireya spits in disgust as she shakes her head angrily.

Lai'ra lets out a small chuckle through her tears, "Thank you, Tsireya. You're the best friend a girl could have. I don't know what I would do without you." Tsireya squeezes Lai'ra's hand, "You don't have to thank me, sis. I'm here for you no matter what. We'll get through this together." They both sit in silence for a few moments, sipping their drinks and processing everything that has happened. Lai'ra leans her head on Tsireya's shoulder, feeling grateful for her presence. "I don't know what to do now, Reya." Tsireya rubs her back gently, "It's okay to love them both, Lai. You'll know what to do when the time is right." Lai'ra sighs, her mind is reeling with a million thoughts.

"Oh god, is that Lo'aks drunk ass? What the fuck is he doing?" Tsireya gasps as her eyes widen with worry. Lo'ak was standing on top of a large palm tree as he's being cheered on by a group of hunters. "He's going to eat shit. We should go get him." Lai'ra says as she gets up quickly. Tsireya nods in agreement, "Let's go before he hurts himself." They rush over, pushing their way through the group of hunters to the tree where Lo'ak is perched, trying to steady himself as he sways back and forth. "Lo'ak you skxawng, what the fuck are you doing up there?" Tsireya calls out to him. He looks down at them with a wide grin, "Just enjoying the view, my friends!" He slurs, clearly intoxicated. Lai'ra rolls her eyes, "You're going to fall and hurt yourself, get down here now!" Lo'ak laughs, "I'm not going to fall, I'm a mighty warrior!" But as he tries to take a step forward, he loses his balance and starts tumbling down from the tree. Tsireya and Lai'ra quickly rush to catch him, breaking his fall. "Oof shit, you guys are the best!" Lo'ak slurs as he clings onto them. "Lo'ak you skxawng, you're fucking trashed." Lai'ra scoffs, her eyes widening at Reya as they're trying to hold up his dead weight. "Fuck, why are you so heavy? Where are Jake and Neytiri?" Lai'ra gasps as she looks around frantically. She finally spots Jake and calls out to him, and he quickly runs over to them. "Jesus Christ. What the hell, Lo'ak?" He says, furrowing his brow in disappointment. "Here girls, I got this." Jake shakes his head as he throws Lo'ak over his shoulder.

"Nurr, dad. I'm fine! I don't want to go home. Ugh, Lai'ra you're so pretty... I love you. Ugh dad, I don't feel so good." Lo'ak whines. Lai'ra and Tsireya look at one another, laughing at Lo'aks debilitating state. "I love you too, skxawng. You need to sleep this off though, I'll see you tomorrow." She giggles as she waves to him. Jake shakes his head, "Okay mighty warrior come on, I'm taking your ass home. Just don't puke on me. You're going straight to bed. Bye girls." A playful grin spreading across his face as he taps Lo'aks thigh. He turns to walk to his Marui, leaving Lai'ra and Tsireya laughing so hard they can't breathe. As they walk back to the festival, Tsireya and Lai'ra exchange a knowing glance. "Lo'ak can't hold his liquor to save his life." Tsireya says, shaking her head in amusement. Lai'ra chuckles, "Yeah, him and Rotxo were really going at it, I guarantee his dumbass is passed out somewhere." They both laugh as they cheers, taking a sip of their drinks. Lai'ra looks over and sees Neteyam in the distance by himself on the shore, away from everyone, and her heart sinks again.

Intimate Betrayal (Neteyam X Female OC X Lo'ak)Where stories live. Discover now