*Council Meeting*

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The council here (in this AU):

Yoda, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Mira Wurhui, Eeth Koth, Depa Billaba, Yarael Poof, Adi Gallia, Yaddle (stepped down), Aria Wurhui (stepped down), Saesee Tiin


The council reconvened in the council chambers, taking their usual seats.

Both Aria and Yaddle stepped down right after Qui-Gon and the others had gone back to Naboo, so now two seats were open.

The council agreed on one to possibly be filled by master Oppo Rancisis.

But on to more important matters.

"Master Yoda, you seem troubled." Master Depa Billaba spoke, looking to the grandmaster with slight concern but mostly curiosity as to what seemed to be on his mind.

Yoda sighed, now was the best time.

"Learned on Naboo, that promised Qui-Gon before he died that train Skywalker he would, Obi-Wan did."



Depa and Plo didn't look as if they had any issue with it, neither did Yarael.

The rest of the council was not the case.

"Are you serious? So what, he just defies the council now?" Saesee scoffed, feeling disgusted towards Obi-Wan for defying the council on the matter.

"Whether it be master Jinn's dying wish or not, we already decided the boy will not be trained. You said it yourself master Windu."

Mace frowned towards Mundi, initially he'd disagreed, but he'd realized how hypocritical he'd been by giving into fear of the unknown, or fear in general.

"Initially yes, however, things have changed."

"Mace..." Saesee began.

"Things have changed. We all know this." Mace interjected sternly.

Plo nodded in silent agreement.

Yarael spoke up softly but clearly after a moment, uncharacteristically chiming in.

"Will the council honor his wish?"

Yoda mulled this over.

Hm, perhaps they'd been wrong initially, they'd given into their own fears, thus being hypocritical of their own values, Yoda, like Mace, saw this fact.

So, he decided.

"Honor the wish that the boy be trained, we will."

Mace then looked at him.

"There's something else isn't there?"

Yoda nodded.

"However, trained by Kenobi, Skywalker will not be."

Depa chimed in, uncharacteristically stern and clearly disagreeing.

"Master, with all due respect, Skywalker is most comfortable around Obi-Wan."

"Know that I do. But inexperienced, Kenobi is, not prepared for the trials, or a student, is he." Yoda pointed out.

Depa did not retort on this as even she knew it was true. Obi-Wan was not ready for the trials just yet but was getting there, and was far from ready to take on his own student.

Saesee hummed.

"You're suggesting we choose someone better for the role?" He asked.

Yoda nodded to that, having several candidates in mind already.

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