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Sitting up on the bed, (Y/N) took in the fine features of the room in preparation for when they escape and alert the others. (Y/N) noticed they were alone in the chamber as they climbed to their feet. Curiosity got the best of them, and they decided to travel deeper into this place.

'What exactly is this location? A monastery, perhaps? Do you know somebody with this melancholy voice?' they ask voice buddy, but observe that it's quiet. 'Voice? Hello?'. They decide to question it later and continue on their way.

The environment inside the monastery was peaceful, with a palpable sense of knowledge and discipline. Sunlight streamed in through the towering windows, throwing a pleasant glow on the polished oak floors. The sound of a faraway whisper and the faint aroma of incense contributed to the mood, reminding (Y/N) of the significance of the situation.

They soon came upon a peaceful courtyard where they noticed a figure. An elderly man with a long white beard, dressed in a white robe and slacks, sits on the porch with a wooden staff next to him. 'Sensei Wu?!' thought (Y/N) with surprise.

Sensei Wu's eyes were drawn to (Y/N), and he smiled softly. "Ah, you have awakened," he remarked, his voice soothing and profound. "Welcome to the Spinjitzu Monastery, young one. It appears that fate has brought you here."

(Y/N) were speechless for a moment, their eyes widening in shock and largely panic at the presence of Sensei Wu, but it wasn't Sensei Wu from THEIR reality. They managed to stutter, albeit still nervously, "Um, I'm sorry, but... H-How did I end up here? I was simply... in my own world. You're not even my Sensei Wu," they say.

Sensei Wu's eyes twinkled with knowledge. "The route to the Monastery is not always easy, child. It can take a leap of faith or a twist of fate to find oneself within these sacred walls. (Y/N), you may have been picked for a reason, but only time will disclose the true nature of your calling."

(Y/N) felt a mixture of exhilaration and expectation, as well as nervousness and bewilderment. To be in this Sensei Wu's presence, surrounded by legendary antiques and new questions to be addressed. "Sensei, what can I do?" they couldn't help but wonder, 'What can I do to help the world?' "That I'm guessing will be calling my new home in this realm."

Sensei Wu's smile broadened, and his eyes shone with pride. "Relax, my young apprentice. There is much to learn, and the road ahead will put your spirit, courage, and resilience to the test. But don't worry, for every difficulty contains the possibility for growth and enlightenment. You're here today, which speaks volumes about your potential."

(Y/N) is at a loss for words when he finds himself unwittingly transferred into a separate Ninjago realm. It was actually quite irritating for them after being accustomed to the first environment. Many thoughts and questions were racing through their heads. Is it still there while they're being transported? Will they be able to use the wind element once more? 

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕣 𝕧𝕠𝕚𝕔𝕖?

Aside from that, they were aware that their voyage within the Monastery of Spinjitzu would be fraught with difficulties, but they were prepared to embrace the road put out before them. They will discover the secrets of uuuummmmm Spinjizoo with the help of Sensei Wu. Spinjizz? Spinjitzu! To tap into their inner strength and possibly play a vital part in the ongoing war between good and evil.










'Wait, child?'



And before you ask, yes, I will carry on with the Ninjago plot in the other book that will launch the series. Consider this one you've been reading as the first book in the Ninjago series (If you haven't notice the small addition of the description). Since I am writing a fanfiction about a Disney movie, I just need a little time to start it.

It's a surprise, so I won't say, teehee >:3

In addition, I hope you'll appreciate it and continue on the Ninjago journey and more with me! If not, no problem; if you are, then, my dear readers, then ~Stay tune~

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