I Don't Care That You Broke Your Elbow

Start from the beginning

Smoker started asking some of the more important questions. "What about the people?"

"They're evacuating. Most of them– I think. They don't want to get caught up in the battle that's going to ensue between the king's royal guards and the rebels," Your raised your voice so it would carry over the wind. "--And King Cobra has been kidnapped by some of the top agents. They're here regarding a secret that he has."

"Do you know what it is?"

"Of course I do! It's for a Poneglyph– there's one hidden beneath the palace!"

"What else do you know?"

"The leader of the army. His name is Koza and my friends are trying to get Vivi to him. She knows the truth about what's going on and she used to be that guy's childhood friend. I know what route they end up taking– they'll get here with barely any time to spare."

"It's a miracle you got past that river so fast."

You did not know that Smoker could technically fly because of his powers. That was the most frightening experience of your life– and you didn't risk using Soru around him.

Well– it's not like you cared. You'd use it if you had too– and you might explain it later– but you were getting off topic. Like always.

You were rubbing your chin, leaning against Smoker's chest so you didn't fly off the bike, and thinking about what you should do next. "If the rebels aren't there, then I'll look for the bomb. But I can't just assume that there's only one. I feel like there's more..." Also. What the fuck is Smoker going to do after we get there. I don't know if he's allowed to do anything about the rebellion.

Kosai hummed. "The next time he sees you, he's not going to be tired anymore. He sent Tashigi out after your friends– so he'll group up with her when she arrives."

Do I also get to beat up Marines? What, is he trying to test my strength?

"You don't have to."

You have to

"Smoker– I'm gonna disappear again once we get closer." You were maybe thirty minutes away– and Alburna was distant on the horizon. "You're a Marine, right? They wouldn't try to attack you if you were there... but I think that I can hide you too." As long as you're covering us, right, Kosai?

"Yes, as long as I'm covering you."

"We get to fight?"

"Yeah, later," You said, holding up Annan. "By the way, I have a talking sword– if you didn't know, Smoker."

Annan sounded thrilled. "Do I get to–"

"No maiming," You deadpanned. "I already let you go insane when we were at Little Garden."

Sorry? That sword can talk?

"A fight's a fight," was all Annan said.

He seemed to be content just being near you again– after being separated from you for a few days. What a clingy bastard. He would be bathing in the blood of your enemies one moment and then asking you how good he was doing the next.

"The guards are going to be situated near each gate, protecting it. I don't need to go up the stairs– and I can just get around." Hopefully my training with using moonwalk will pay off. What's the other name for it?


Alright, alright... You nodded to yourself and sighed. "Don't go anywhere near the west gates– that's where most of the agents are. Because Crooner and Crocodile apparently knew each other, I'm given immunity... somewhat. I overheard," From Kosai, that is, "That Crocodile told them that no matter what, I can't be killed."

Demons, Swords, And Other Things That Nearly Killed MeWhere stories live. Discover now