Yes, Sir Crocodile

Start from the beginning

Not to mention... Crocodile was a lot larger than you imagined. Your head barely reached the bottom of his tits. Yeah, you weren't looking respectfully, either.

At least he wasn't wearing that god awful shirt-- and had instead chosen to wear a crisp white dress shirt. It fit him well–

"(Name), he is the ENEMY."

I can't help it if my enemy is hotter than the sun.

Oh, yeah, you were supposed to be scared. You were more shocked than anything else– like you usually were. Damn, being shocked was fun. You've just been waiting for people to surprise you since you pretty much knew everything. You'd take a step back if you could– but you guessed why your ankle felt it had been hooked was because he was literally using his hook to grab it. Why the hell was he here, though? Wasn't he supposed to be in that weird casino?

"Oh, great. He made my job easier," Kosai said, and you could feel his rage surge from within you. "I can kill him now."

"C...Crocodile? What–!!"

He leaned down to your height, letting your ankle go as his eyes narrowed. The cigar in his mouth moved slightly as he spoke. "Scream, and your friends die."

"I wasn't planning on it."

"Put your weapons down," Crocodile ordered. You unfastened the strap that held the swords to your waist, and all of them fell to the ground. Anna gasped in protest and started inching towards Crocodile.

"Absolutely not!"

"A... sword that can talk?" He hummed lowly and stepped on Annan, driving the hilt into the sand. Annan started to scream, angered, and pushed right back. You glanced down in slight worry. Annan couldn't feel pain, but that didn't change the fact that you didn't like seeing your friend being stomped on. (First off– it wasn't you underneath Crocodile's shoe, so you weren't very happy about that either)

"We're going to have a chat, Little Crooner." Crocodile reached down and picked up Annan before tossing it to you. "Don't try anything."

"...Yes sir." I have a feeling this is going to be more than just a little "chat", You thought, starting to follow him.

Ah, so Crooner's kid had some manners? That was good. This would be quick. He led you out of the town entirely, and you were already sliding down sand dunes while staring at his back. Crocodile, oddly enough, was silent for this entire ordeal. His strides were long– each step had a purpose. Your eyes travelled down to his hook– golden and glistening in the sunlight. His other hand was obscured by the coat he draped over his shoulders.

"If I may..." You began slowly, waiting to see if he would interject. Crocodile said nothing and you continued. "Why are you... here?"

Crocodile stopped walking. So did you. He glanced over his shoulder and down at you before he turned to face you. There was an open-mouthed smirk on his face– it was the smirk you recognized. He was plotting something devious– like when he had framed the king. Well, his next plan wasn't going to be fun, and you had a feeling that you were at the center of it.

"You didn't expect this?"

You shook your head. "No, not really. You're supposed to be in..." Your eyes widened. This crazy bastard! He did something unpredictable and he's diverging from the plot! Shit man, stay on script–!!

Demons, Swords, And Other Things That Nearly Killed MeWhere stories live. Discover now