The Memoirs of a Clown's Apprentice

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Vivi could hardly believe it herself. These guys had never been sick before? Maybe their stupidity was what kept them healthy.

"Of course it isn't normal! Fevers that are forty degrees and above almost never happen! It's enough to put their lives at risk!"






"STOP MAKING A FUSS AND SHUT UP!!" Nami screamed, silencing the others, who had gone into a panic at the drop of a hat. Luffy didn't shut up entirely, though. If anything, he only got even louder.

"We have to go find a doctor and save them right away!"

Vivi waved her hands around to calm him down. "I, I know– I know. Calm down. You might worsen their conditions with all this commotion."


Nami's weak and gravelly voice startled all of them. They turned to look at the girl, who slowly leaned up from her position. Luffy cheered as she took the cold compress off of her head. "Yeah!! Nami's all better!! Yipee!!"

Usopp smacked the back of Luffy's hand. "NO SHE'S NOT!!"

"There... There's a newspaper on my desk. It's important..."

. . .

. . .

. . .

A startled scream came from Vivi as her grip on the newspaper tightened. Her eyes widened before her brows furrowed in shock, then worry, and finally, disbelief. With this new information, a new route, she had to make a few very complicated decisions.

"What is it, Vivi? Why'd you scream like that?"

"Is it about Alabasta?"

"It can't be..." Her hands trembled as she re-read the words printed on the paper. "Over three hundred thousand soldiers of the royal guard switched sides to join up with the rebel forces?! The six hundred thousand armed forces could overcome the rebel forces who only had four hundred thousand... Now the situation's been flipped on its head!"

Nami hugged her knees to her chest. "Haah... With that, the situation in Alabasta has reached a critical point... That paper was from three days ago. I'm sorry for not showing you until now. I didn't want you to worry since we were already sailing as fast as we could." She tilted her head to the side nervously. She truly didn't want to worry Vivi anymore. The princess was already struggling enough.

"Sounds like an emergency," said Luffy.

She nodded. "That's right. I'm surprised that I managed to get it through to you."

Usopp tried to keep her in the bed as Nami moved to get out. "H-Hey, if we don't get you guys to a doctor soon...!"

"It's fine," She waved him off. "That old thermometer is broken anyways. How could someone have a fever of forty degrees? I'm sure I just caught a case of heatstroke... I'll get better on my own, even without seeing a doctor."

Standing up and brushing aside the concern, she headed towards the door. Her face was still flushed red, a weary expression on her face as she turned to the others. Yeah, Nami was definitely lying about being okay. Everything was just wrong. She was still sweating, she was trying to control her breathing, and her legs were trembling slightly.

Demons, Swords, And Other Things That Nearly Killed MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon