Criminal Or Not, Sometimes It's Nice To Be Wanted

Start from the beginning

"Ooh, where are we?"


"Crow Island."

They all turned to you

Your eyes were wide. Your hands were settled on the railings of the ship as you gazed ahead. It might've been a trick of the light, but the sun appeared to be shining even brighter on you now. Rasu let out another series of caws as he soared ahead of Going Merry.

"I'm... I'm home."

"Ah, that's why it looked familiar," Zoro said.

"You live there, (Name)? I hear it's a very prosperous island."

You just stared.

"...Well, I didn't expect this." Kosai muttered. Annan hummed from near your hip.

"We're home, (Name)!"

What kind of crazy luck did you have for your first island being your home island and not Loguetown? It had been years— did your family even remember you? (They obviously did, you were just being dramatic)

Still, you weren't ready for it. You thought you would be able to visit Crow Island... not now. The closest docks were barely in view, and your crow was flying so fast it was already on the island. Yatagarasu pretty much abandoned you the moment you all saw the island.

"Have you been back since you chased me off?"

You shook your head slowly. "No, I haven't visited since. I didn't think I'd see this place for... a while."

"What's it like?"

"Well..." You finally tore your gaze away from Crow Island and faced the crew. "It's... It's a very lovely island, I'll say that. I love my home dearly. I have nothing but good memories there."

"You will be serving me."

Your eyes darkened. Not only that, but you felt your very mind and body tense. That was Kosai's reaction, and Annan started to vibrate by your side as he trembled at the memory. Though the sword couldn't read your mind, he knew exactly why you had paused.

"Okay, I like everyone on the island except for this one bitch named Angelo. We all hate Angelo, capiche? Capiche. Anyways, they're really friendly. Zoro and I actually met here a few years ago."

A few of them 'aah'-ed at that. Now they understood why you were so comfortable with torturing Zoro with your words.

"Have you lived there all your life?"

"Pretty much. Left once for a trip since I wanted to try traveling out. My family's there, too."

"Were they okay with you becoming a pirate?"

You nodded, "They didn't really care. They said I could do what made me happy. Well, my mom and dad did. My brothers were annoying, and the only other saving grace was my sweetheart sister."

Nami leaned on the railings beside you. "Oh, you have siblings? How many?"

Your eyes went up as you tried to recall. Then you blanched, because you were sure that the number you were thinking of was incorrect. "...Give me a sec."




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