❖ Chapter 25 ❖

Start from the beginning

Capricorn laughed that time—thankfully—nodding her head. "I sure have. But with Sag it's like...she's hiding something important from me."

    "Like what, a crush?" I teased, though it didn't earn a laugh this time.

    "I said important."

Important could mean anything depending on who you asked. I don't see how a crush could be completely out of the question but I guess there was just no time for romance in this situation.

    "She knows something I don't remember. It's like...a repressed memory and she won't tell me what it is." Capricorn looked disturbed, shuddering as she nervously picked at her skin.

    "Repressed memories are repressed for a reason." I pointed out, feeling a little worried for her.

Capri's face scrunched up. "Aries said the same thing last night."

I couldn't keep back the grin on my face, feeling giddy. "We're just so in sync, aren't we?"

We always were. Aries and me were literally two peas in a pod. As corny as it sounded, we practically had the same mind (other than a few strong opinions) and rarely disagreed with each other. It was usually us against whomever. We were that power cou—duo! I meant, duo. Power duo....

Capricorn had this unamused look on her face. "Sure," She replied bluntly, squeezing her arms around herself. "Uh, do you have any...repressed memories?"

I could feel my face scrunch up as I shook my head, thinking the answer was obvious. "Even if I did, I sure wouldn't know it."

    "Right..." Capricorn looked slightly disappointed, hopefully not because I had no knowledge of repressed memories...

    "Well, I heard if you ever feel unexplainably horrible or panicky, the repressed memory is usually the cause," I pointed out, causing Capricorn to tilt her head. "You ever felt anything like that?"

    "I—" Cap started to speak but cut herself off not even a second later as she perked her head up.

I follow her gaze just in time to see Taurus poke his head into the kitchen, his sleepy eyes curiously wandering around the kitchen. Once he caught us staring at him, he pursed his lips.

    "Is breakfast ready?" He asked, eyes dilating.

    "If you don't mind having a burnt stack of pancakes then yeah, it's ready." I sidestepped so that the sad stack was in view, gesturing to it like this was suddenly Master Chef.

I watched as Taurus's face scrunched up, immediately shaking his head. "I'll pass, no offense."

"Wow, that doesn't sting at all." Capricorn chuckled, awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck.

It fell quiet between the three of us not a second later, no one really having anything interesting to talk about. I don't think I remember it ever being this awkward around each other, but I guess that's what being in the midst of an apocalypse does to you.

Taurus was about to leave, spinning on his heels with a slow nod. For some reason I had the bright idea to speak, a random question popping into my head.

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