"Uh... Argh.... Alright!" You handed the flowers off to your lower arms and groaned. It'd be better if Kosai did it– he was better at that kind of thing. You didn't want to go to the wedding with your shoulders heavy with stress.

"Any bows in mind?"

"Something simple but strong enough to hold them all together."

"Hm... Yes, I can do that. Do you mind if I change how they're arranged?"

"Nope, go ahead."

Kosai did as he was told, or did as he suggested, and went to work. You were bored already, and though you found yourself in a very Ghibli-esque garden, you just found yourself wanting to have a conversation with someone.

You didn't feel like disturbing Kosai because he was doing your own work for you, so you grabbed the hilt of the sword at your side and drew out Annan. The metal of the blade glimmered in the light of the early morning sun.

His eyes were closed. Annan could fall asleep quickly, you noted. He seemed to like sleeping a lot. You didn't mind– you didn't even care. Sleeping was amazing. One of the best parts of your day was going to bed. As long as he was awake when you needed to fight, you were cool with it.

"Annan, I'm bored."


"Annan... Talk to meee..."

He grumbled softly- though his eyes remained closed. "Is it time for the ceremony yet...?"


"I see..." He opened one of his eyes.

What the...? How can swords have eyebags?

Right, he's technically half sword and half sealed demon. Or full demon and... kind of like a sword. Your lips pursed and your eyes rested on the scabbard and not Annan. He woke up but radiated the energy that he wanted to go back to bed.

And the speck of attitude that you noticed was probably because you woke him up. A pang of guilt resonated from within you. You wouldn't want to be roused from your slumber. So why did you do that?

I'm too impulsive for my own good. "Ah... You sound tired. I'll just let you go back to sleep, 'kay?"

"No, no, it's alright..." He yawned, "It's... It's fine. Your back pain earlier, I hope it subsided. Are you alright, Master?"

"Yeah, I'm fine..." You were fighting back the urge to yawn yourself. Thinking about yawning always made you yawn and... shit, you were yawning. You couldn't stop either. Annan laughed softly as you covered your mouth. "I just wanted to chat, but I don't want to disturb you."

"A chat with you? I don't mind."

Your brows furrowed. "You sure? I don't like it when I lose sleep."

"I like spending time with you– I see no problem with losing a few minutes or hours."

A concern frown slowly turned into a grin. "You two are being sweet today. Thanks for listening to me."

"Anytime," They both said.

You waited for Kosai to finish with the bow and arrangement while you talked with Annan. You didn't talk about much. It was mostly small talk. The weather, which was pleasant that day, the ocean, which looked as beautiful as ever, and your wishes to set sail in the coming months.

Annan didn't talk that much, but he seemed happy to listen. You were a listener yourself. Granted, it may seem like you talked a lot, but that depended on who you were with. You were extremely comfortable. All your stress was gone. (and Kosai even put a flower crown on your head when you weren't paying attention).

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