*The Precipice of Oblivion

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The thrill of victory courses through me as I bask in Wesker's praise. His hand slides down from my hair to my cheek, his touch possessive and comforting. "You've proven your devotion, my pet, and now the key to our salvation lies between your delectable thighs."

I nod with a smile, releasing Bill from my grip and transferring him to Wesker. He easily picks Bill up, tossing him over his shoulder. Bill doesn't move, realizing the futility in trying to escape.

As Wesker carries Bill, I follow closely behind, my every step synchronized with his. The dimly lit streets of the neighborhood stretch out before us, and the moon casts an ethereal glow, illuminating our path as we make our way back to the main road.

My mind is focused solely on Wesker, my eyes locked onto his powerful form. I wonder what the next stage of my Master's plan is, but now that Bill is in our clutches, I know we have nothing but time. My pulse quickens as I consider how, as long as we keep Bill in sight, we can indulge in every desire without consequence.

My Master decides on a secluded alleyway near the main road between two dilapidated houses. He positions Bill against the wall with his back pressed firmly against it.

Wesker takes a moment to assess the surroundings, his keen eyes scanning the debris littering the alleyway. Spotting a discarded length of rope nearby, he swiftly secures Bill's wrists to a sturdy pipe protruding from the wall, pulling it so tight that Bill groans and writhes in agony.

With Bill effectively immobilized, Wesker shifts his attention back to me, fully confident in his ability to maintain control over both of us. Anticipation thrums through my body, and I feel wetness building between my thighs.

"You've been such a good little pet," he says, his praise giving me goosebumps. "I think it's time for a reward, don't you?"

My mind is spinning, my thoughts consisting only of him. "Please," I beg, my voice filled with longing. Each drop of attention he gives me fuels my desire to feverish heights.

'Wesker~Master~Wesker~Master' loops endlessly in my brain, driving me mad – perhaps I already am. But when he steps forward and cups my cheek in his hand, the world melts away, and I realize I don't care at all if I am. In fact, I doubt I could feel so intensely without being insane.

He leans closer, his red gaze smoldering behind tinted sunglasses. And when his lips meet mine, I resolve that I would die without him, and what's more... I love that I would. I wouldn't give up how he makes me feel for anything.

His gloved hands explore my body, teasing and taunting me, his touch both maddeningly gentle and irresistibly firm. But the moment his fingers find my entrance, Bill interrupts.

"How could you do this? I thought we had each other's backs," he says in a pained tone.

I reluctantly pull back from Wesker's heated kiss, my eyes narrowing into a cat-like glare.

"Maybe in another life I'd be trapped in this hellscape with you endlessly," I say, "but my humanity was holding me back. Uroboros has chosen me to serve my Master – and I will, without question."

Bill's eyes show the sting of my betrayal, but I feel no twinge of empathy as I turn back to my Master.

"See how good it is to surrender, my Goddess? When I am all that matters, your purpose in life suddenly becomes," he pulls me against his solid chest, "achingly clear."

"Yes, Master," I purr, pressing my bare breasts against the cool leather of his trenchcoat.

Wesker's eyes gleam with satisfaction, and he trails his gloved hand down my body, exploring every curve.

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