*A Domineering Hand

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When I get downstairs, I realize my exit path is now blocked by a pallet wedged between the living room and kitchen. I scramble over the top as quickly as I can. If I can make it outside, maybe I can lose him.

A metal door slams, and moments later the pallet creaks behind me with the weight of my pursuer lunging after me.

I feel the cool night air on my face as I approach the exit. If I can just turn the corner-

A gloved hand at my throat stops me in my tracks, and I slam back onto the kitchen counter. Instead of murdering me, however, his lips find mine and he ruthlessly forces his tongue into my mouth. His kiss is so impassioned I feel as if I might catch fire. It burns me to my core and I reflexively wrap my legs around his waist as he pushes me further up onto the countertop.

I can't think straight. He's evil, so why does this feel so good?

He still has a grip on my throat, but he isn't choking me... Much. I thought he would kill me, but he must have other plans. Resisting him would mean certain death. I'm already in his clutches, so instead of fighting, I kiss him back.

A rumble of pleasure sounds low in his throat and his free hand grips my thigh, pulling me flush against his leather pants.

He breaks the kiss momentarily, throwing his glasses to the side and revealing glowing red eyes, the pupils dilated slits.

"Finally," he murmurs, a smile spreading across his attractive features. "After all this time."

I don't have a moment to consider what he means before he releases my throat, pulls his knife, and cuts my shirt from top to bottom. I feel the tip trail against my skin, but it doesn't draw blood.

My shirt and bra fall away from my breasts. He leans over and takes a nipple into his mouth, his tongue flicking over the tip before moving on to the other breast. I should be scared. Beg him to let me go... but he has my life in his hands, and he can do what he wishes.

I want him to.

"My Goddess," he says, removing his gloves, "made by my hand. How poetic." He trails his bare hands from my shoulders, over my breasts, across my stomach, until they grip my hips. He digs his fingers in, but the pain is fleeting, while the pleasure is much, much more.

"Your Goddess?" I ask breathlessly.

"Do you not feel it? Uroboros has deemed you worthy. But not of just any strain." He squeezes my hips, pulling me to the edge of the counter. "Mine. Albert Wesker's. I thought myself the only one capable of a symbiotic relationship with the most virulent, selective strain of Uroboros. Yet here you are. Finally."

At his words, I realize I have been feeling different. Better. My earlier exhaustion and pain is gone and I feel as if I could run for miles without tiring.

"I do feel..."

"Enhanced?" He finishes my sentence with a grin. "And that's only the beginning. For example," he moves so quickly I am astonished I can keep track of him. In less than a second, he removes my shorts and presses his lips to my clit. I lean back against the ugly kitchen wallpaper with a moan, threading my fingers through his slicked back blond hair.

"Fuck!" I exclaim as his tongue darts, toying with me. He sucks my clit, then travels lower.

Spreading my pussy open with his index and ring finger, he inserts his middle finger into my slickness. "So wet," he teases before thrusting his tongue into me. My toes curl and I tug his hair, earning a low hum of pleasure from his throat that reverberates through my core.

I jolt at the sensation, and he rises from between my legs, a cocky look on his face as he resumes towering over me.

"Ive had time to master Uroboros's gifts-agility, strength, endurance, and most importantly, power. You, my dear, will need training. I find the best sort of training comes from experience. Wouldn't you agree?"

I feel trepidation about what sort of training a man as powerful as he would put me through. Sensing my fear, he caresses my cheek before gripping my chin between his index finger and thumb and pulling my gaze to his glowing embers.

"You have nothing to fear. Only I, your creator and Master, can withstand you. Our bloodline shall reign for millennia."

"Our bloodline?" My body shivers, craving the notion. "You don't even know me," I say hesitantly, though my words are hollow.

"I don't have to know you. Uroboros chose you for me. Besides," he snakes a hand between my legs, "I can tell you're infatuated with my power." He leans in, looking deeply into my eyes. "With me."

I blush, ducking my head. It must be the virus making me so pliant, but it's true.

"Now, the world deserves a new Genesis, and we shouldn't keep it waiting much longer." I feel his fingertips against my entrance. "But before we escape, this place is timeless... So let's have a little fun first, shall we?"

 So let's have a little fun first, shall we?"

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