Bill's Past Due

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Each erratic beat of my heart sends an intoxicating surge of Uroboros through me, heightening my senses. I rush into the house, finding the locker standing open, intensifying the panic that courses through my veins. A piercing siren shatters the silence, and the abandoned road lights flicker to life as a chilling realization takes hold. Bill completed the generator.

Without hesitation, I sprint through the back yard, my footsteps echoing in the darkness. Desperation fuels every stride as I race toward the source of the siren, my mind consumed by a single thought-to catch Bill before he vanishes into the night.

Fear mingled with devotion to my promise drives me to push beyond the boundaries of my physical limits. I practically bound across the grass, my eyes scanning every nook and cranny with hawk-like precision, leaping over pallets like a jaguar in pursuit.

Arriving at the generator, the weight of my inadequacy presses upon me as I realize the gravity of my failure. I wasn't fast enough. In a frantic state, I scour the perimeter, my eyes darting from shadow to shadow, searching for any clue or anomaly that might give me a lead. And then, in a stroke of fortune, my eyes lock onto a scuffed patch of dirt. Relief crashes over me like a tidal wave, leaving me trembling with ecstasy. I have found his trail, a lifeline to ensure my Master's satisfaction. I navigate it with meticulous care, relishing in the delightful sensation that dances through my senses with each failed attempt by Bill to conceal his tracks. His tendencies are laid bare before me, like a puzzle waiting to be solved. The thrill of the chase intertwines with my devotion, and it begins to feel like a twisted game.

With each passing step, I become more attuned to his presence, my senses honed to perfection. I can practically taste the anticipation in the air as I close the gap, my movements fluid and precise. Every misstep of his, every moment of hesitation, fuels my delight, reminding me of my power over him. Bill may think he can elude me, but he underestimates my unwavering dedication to my Master's satisfaction. I am his devoted instrument, and I will not rest until I have Bill at my mercy, broken and humbled before the unyielding might of my Master's will.

As the trail leads me closer to one of the massive exit gates, I strain to catch any sound that might guide me. And then, like a divine symphony to my ears, I hear it - the sound of an old man's wheezing breath. My gaze shifts to a dilapidated building nearby, its decaying walls a stark contrast to the intensity building within me. With one window and a solitary pallet, it's the perfect setting for the culmination of my hunt. When I round the corner of the wall, I spot Bill crouched by the window, my eyes glowing with predatory delight at finally cornering my prey. Bill looks up at me, defiance etched into his aging features. I slowly approach, relishing in the power I hold over my once friend, now prize to be fetched for my Master.

But just as I'm on the verge of seizing him, he vaults through the window, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Laughter tinged with exhilaration erupts from my lips, blending with the surge of frustration coursing through my veins. He wants a chase? Oh, he will receive the most intense final chase of his wretched life.

I leap through the window, pursuing him. He runs around, blatantly making as much noise as possible. Each time I take the lunge through the window, he makes a tiny bit of progress on the lever that would open the gate. He's testing my patience running the same loop over and over, and I snarl in frustration as the end of his jacket slips through my fingers yet again.

A low chuckle resonates from a few feet away, drawing my attention. Wesker leans casually against the outer wall, his gaze fixed on my futile attempts to capture my prey, a smirk playing upon his lips. His presence only fuels the fire within me, stoking the desire to prove myself.

As the gate alarm blares, a surge of dread courses through me, propelling me forward with a desperate fervor. The door slides open, Bill's silhouette rounds the corner, and a guttural scream escapes my lips. Uroboros responds to my anguish, tentacles bursting forth from my back, propelling me forward with an otherworldly force. Time slows as I hurtle toward him, the wind roaring in my ears.

With a thunderous impact, I collide with him, knocking the air from his lungs as I drive him to the ground, his prone form pressed against the earth. My arm slams against the back of his neck, asserting my dominance, while my legs straddle his back, effectively trapping him beneath me.

A wild, triumphant laugh escapes my lips, mingling with ragged pants of exertion. I whip my gaze over my shoulder, where Wesker approaches, his slow clapping filling the air.

"Good girl," he purrs, his voice laced with satisfaction. Closing the distance, he rewards me with his presence, his approval like a drug coursing through my veins. His touch soothes and electrifies me as his hand finds its way to my hair, gently stroking me. "Very good girl indeed."

||To help support my family, I will be opening a Patreon, devoted to publishing more fun, smutty domination/submission stories.

The amazing thing about the Patreon is, for the first time, I will be taking requests! I'll write short stories, one-shots, and much more.

So if you like my writing, please consider joining (click "external link" below "continue reading" to visit the link):

I would love it if you would be willing to support me so I can spend more of my time writing! Every fic will be dom/sub, and you will be able to vote for the ones you want to see more of! 😄

With all my love,

With all my love,whatitshouldvebeen||

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