The Favorite Child (Spoilers, It's Not You)

Start from the beginning

Leaning down, you poked Haru in the forehead, pushing his head back slightly. "What I don't understand is why you're "supposedly scared of me" just because my father is an infamous man."

"We're not scared of you!"

"Bullshit. You're scared of me, and you're scared of the dark."

"(Name), now's your chance! I just heard him close the meeting room doors." Kosai informed you quickly. You hummed to yourself.

You had enough family time. You had already spent thirty minutes yelling back and forth with your brothers, and your sister was nowhere to be found. She was the youngest at nine years old. But you knew exactly where she was. She was usually the one following you around anyways. A part of you was glad that she didn't have to see this mess.

"We aren't-- W H E R E ARE YOU GOING??"

He had the audacity to grab your hand. The brat. Had Haru not had enough by yanking your hair and pulling at your face the moment you walked into the room half an hour ago? Apparently not. You knew that eleven-year old's had enough sentience and conscience to bully others.

Which they did, by the way. They acted like they were better than you. But it was only Hana and Haru-- where as Sage and Sato weren't as bad but they still liked insulting you. (Seriously, why would you give twins names with the same letters and sounds??)

You didn't hesitate to backhand him. You didn't even hit him that hard-- it was more of a reprimanding slap. "You're such a little shit!"

"Uncalled for, (Name)."

But well deserved!

"...No comment." So, he agreed with you.

"You hit me!"

"You hit me earlier, brat! Plus, you're annoying." You wrenched his hand off of your wrist and wrenched the door open. "You had it coming anyways- act nicer and I might apologize!"

"Y-You hit me."

You looked over your shoulders, fire behind your eyes. "I hate crybabies, Haru. If you want me to stop being mean, do something about it."

He was not about to guilt trip you into apologizing. Haru would have to better himself, become even more of a bastard, and then start working out if he wanted to even the score. You sighed and shook your head before closing the door to the "family time room" and sprinting down the halls.

You reached your training grounds in the garden and smiled to yourself. You'd train after you found a certain someone.

Your youngest sister and one of the only people you liked in this new world

Her name was Lory. She was cute- and her hair reminded you of a light orange moon. She was pretty short and as quiet as a mouse. Lory seemed to like following you around, usually watching your quieter training sessions. (Your sparring sessions with Kosai were always held deep in the woods).

Sure enough, you heard quiet footsteps behind you as soon as you headed in the direction of the waterfall that your house (mansion) was built in front of. You glanced over your shoulder. Your eyes found Lory fast. She was following you and squatting behind a bush.

"Lory, good to see you."

Her own eyes widened in surprise. How did you spot her.

Kosai smiled internally. "It's always nice to see her."

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