Chapter 11 - A Life in Imladris

Start from the beginning

"You mean to you wish to keep the truth from her?" Elrond frowned as Galadriel made her way into the middle of the room to where The Prophecy sat on the wooden table.

"She will not understand right now. The last thing we want is for her to be frightened off. Gain her trust, her love. One day when the time is right, you will tell her."

"Me, my Lady?" Elrond was confounded.

"Yes, it is my decision that she shall remain in Rivendell. She will be raised here under your protection. Do not tell her of her fate. All she must know is her parents perished in an Orc raid upon her village and she was brought here to be given sanctuary. Anaynah must be hidden from the harsh evil of the world," Galadriel decided as she traced the words upon the parchment, "Anaynah shall grow in grace and beauty, she will be one of your strongest and fearsome soldiers." Galadriel beamed as recalled her vision of a most elegant and powerful woman.

"If that is the will of the Lady Galadriel, then I shall see it done. The child shall be well protected. I will see to it that she is cared for and given a proper upbringing and training." Elrond accepted Galandriel's decision humbly as he raised his hand to his chest, lowering his head.

"Do not forget, we cannot control what will become of her. What she will become," Galadriels eyes darkened, "But know this; if she succumbs to the corruption, a new evil shall rise."

Elrond nodded in understanding. His footsteps lead him once again to the balcony. He watched closely as Arwen pointed to a falling snowflake, Anaynah reaching up to catch it in her palm with the brightest of smiles. Arwen too grinned at her with deep affection in her eyes.
Elrond was in disbelief, his heart however warmed at the sight.

How can one so innocent be fated for such evil?


Three Years Later,
Anaynah at 9 years of age

    A summer's day in Rivendell is typically warm and sunny, with a gentle breeze blowing through the trees. The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers and the sound of birds singing. The sky was a deep blue, and the sun shone down on the lush greenery that surrounded the Elven city. The river Bruinen flowed peacefully through the valley, and the sound of its waters was a soothing backdrop to the peaceful atmosphere of Rivendell.

As the years went on, Anaynah's troubled mind strayed away from her trauma as she grew up surrounded by love. Nine winters she had experienced, and three had been under the care of Lord Elrond. Her knowledge of the world was vast, and often she would meet Elrond to be tutored to broaden her knowledge.
He did well to keep did word to Lady Galadriel. He would keep Anaynah safe and train her in the ways of good.

It was the end of their week, which meant Anaynah and Elrond would meet to teach her new topics and tales, for always she was eager to learn of the world and the ways of the Elves.
However, Elrond had noticed that her demeanour was not what it usually was. Her usual cheer was not present, in its place gloom. Her eyes dull, her shoulders slumped and her voice sombre. Something weighed down upon the child's mind.

Elrond closed his book once their time was done.

"Hannon le, Herdir Elrond. [Thank you, Lord Elrond.]" Anaynah stood up to leave, her eyes not meeting the Lords.

    "May you spare me a moment longer, child?" Elrond requested quickly before she could make a run for the door. The girl nodded slowly before sitting back down in her seat. Elrond gave her a comforting smile, trying to understand what was on her mind,
"Anaynah, is there something that heavys your heart today?"

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