Chapter 44. Party primp

Start from the beginning

She got closer and examined me before asking "What about the trousers being unzipped and vest coat open and why is the watch on the floor,"

"I wanted to use the bathroom and then the zip broke, I don't know about the vest coat it's just not buttoning and the watch is broken," I informed.

"Eliza, I am busy, can you please help her?" Ruby said.

"I can understand her, why aren't you dressed, Ruby?" Eliza scolded.

I grinned as I told "She has been sitting on that chair for the past hour,"

"I had just sent her for you to gel her hair and give her belt and shoes and instead of doing that you extended the work," Eliza huffed while picking my watch from the floor.

"Exactly," I agreed. It's nice seeing someone other than you get scolded huh? My wolf laughed. Yes even if it's mate. Ruby got up and said while moving toward me. "She didn't even tell me till the last moment,"

"It's fine, Ruby, the guests have started arriving, I'll get her ready, it's bad if the Alpha wouldn't be there to greet them,"

Ruby bent down and grabbed the zipper of my pants. "You let her go easily, you should scold her a little more," I whispered to Eliza earning a pinch from Ruby. She looked into my eyes and whispered back. "I would have if I didn't know you well,"

She kept trying to zip up. "I told you, It's broken-hey why are you shoving your whole hand down my pants," She took out her hand and zipped it up.

"Don't entertain any fantasizes, the zipper was stuck in the fabric," She said whilst buttoning up my vest. I frowned "What fantasies?"

"You should get ready too, Kristen wants to introduce you to the other packs," Eliza said as she put the watch on the table. "Yeah, okay Thanks," Ruby said and went back.

Eliza attached the lapel chain to my jacket and picked up the watch again. "What's wrong with this watch? It doesn't look broken to me,"

"It doesn't close," She took my hand and slid the Rolex watch up to my wrist. She clasped it with ease. "Wow, you repaired it," She smiled and ruffled my hair.

"I am done," Ruby announced, standing up from the chair. She was wearing the dress glamorous dress Eliza was wearing, only color differed, hers was red.

She had some extra accessories like earrings, a necklace, and a ring. She had spent more time on her makeup as well so I might be a little biased toward my mate but she looked prettier. "Can you pass me the gel?" She asked. Ruby grabbed the gel and handed the gel to Eliza.

She scooped out some gel, rubbed it on her fingers, and questioned "Middle part, slick back, spiked hair or side, which one do you want?" I shrugged.

I don't think I have ever heard those terms before. I can confirm you haven't. I have never gelled my hair, I barely comb my hair. Usually running my fingers through it do it for me.

"Do the side part, we don't have much time," Ruby replied for me. She spread the gel into my hair and brushed it to the side. "Okay, up now," She said.

I stood up and she tied the necktie around my neck. "Don't cause any trouble tonight, be on your best behavior," She instructed while attaching the tie bar.

"Okay, let's go," Ruby tucked her hand on my waist and said "Stay brave, don't let any of them intimidate you,"

We went outside and for the first whole hour I had to greet the guests, introduce them to Ruby and she'd do the rest of the talking. They had a better reaction than my pack. They promised to continue diplomatic relations and show as much respect as they showed in my father's time.

However, It made me feel a little pressured to try hard to keep maintaining my pack being the strongest one in town image. We were separated because my mom took Ruby away to introduce her to some people.

I was sent to a group of people who were closer to my age. I was reluctant because they were strangers to me, but Harper is there too, if someone like Harper can hang around a bunch of strangers then you definitely should.

"Hi," I mumbled when I reached the group. "Hey.." some of them replied while some simply waved. "Well, this is Aiden," Angel's voice said. I looked around and saw Angel was also part of the group. "My little sister and Alpha," She whispered the last word bitterly.

"Nice to meet you, Aiden, I am Brian," A guy extended his arms. I passed him a nod. He took back his hand and another one said "I am Tristan," I nodded. "Lilian,"

Another nod and one by one all of them told me their names. Waste of time, it's not that we'll actually remember any of the names. My wolf remarked.

They all returned to the previous conversation, I had no interest in because their words would fly over my head so I stopped listening and glanced around. Eliza was standing a few tables ahead and her gaze kept shifting between the conversation and this table.

I turned my gaze and saw Ruby stuck with my mom and some other pack Alpha. Her eyes met mine and I pouted. She blew a kiss toward me and was dragged back into the conversation.

I sighed and put my head on the table. I felt a hand on my head. I looked up and saw the first guy who introduced himself, whatever his name was. He lowered his head and said "We've heard you're a little,"

I pushed his hand off and stood up to leave when Angel held my hand. "Oh, you guys, don't tease my baby sister, sit down, Aiden,"

I yanked my hand away as the same guy said mockingly. "let her go, your baby sister can't handle the grown-up talk,"

I clenched my jaw and sat back, glaring into his soul. I'd have punched him right here but I didn't, I definitely will but not now, not here. "It's okay, Aiden, ignore him," Harper leaned over from her sit.

Angel pulled her back up as she was blocking her. That piece of shit had gone somewhere and returned with drink bottles and shots. He put it down on the table. "Take a shot, everyone,"

All of them even Harper took shot after shot except me. I've never tried and as far as I've heard it tastes nasty and sour, I didn't like sour stuff. "Why aren't you taking a shot?" Some other dude asked Slurry.

I tsked and shook my head. "You sure your baby sister ain't mute?" Piece of shit spoke. "I don't drink," I stated firmly.

"Why? Your mommy's...g-gonna spank you if you did?" He slurred as the table burst into laughter.

I bit my lip and grabbed a bottle from the table. I tried to open it but when I couldn't, I gave it to Angel. "Open,"

She grabbed the bottle from my hand and threw it at the guy. "I'm not letting you drink,"

"Shut it," I spat. "Here, I did it, i-if you drink this whole bottle, I won't mock you and...will apologize,"

"Brian, dude, she is just a baby," This girl said. I took the bottle from his hand and prepared myself to drink. "If the bottle meets your lip, I'm calling, or better Eliza," Angel warned.

"You're scared of her?" He fake pouted. "I am not scared of...Eliza," I raised the bottle and took a sip, a burning sensation filled my throat but I managed not to show it.

"That's it," She said and stood up. Shit! Hurry up and pour it all at once. And I did. I ignored the way my throat was swelling and burning and poured it down couldn't do it all the once tho.

I started drinking it again looking around to see if Eliza was here yet. My eyes became watering. It was so bad. It was making me want to puke. Soon, my head begins to start feeling dizzy.

Just one last sip. I told myself and put the bottle back in my mouth but before it entered my mouth someone grabbed it. I turned around and cursed "Shit!"

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