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Jeremy stood outside Lila's office building, his excitement building as he anticipated surprising her with lunch. He was dressed in his varsity uniform, feeling a mix of nerves and eagerness. As he approached the security desk, the guards eyed him with curiosity.

Guard 1: "Hey there, young man. Can I help you with something?"

Jeremy, trying to sound confident: "Hi, I'm Jeremy Gonzales. I'm here to surprise Lila with lunch."

Guard 2, raising an eyebrow: "Lila, huh? Do you mean Ms. Mills? Are you sure she's expecting you?"

Jeremy nodded, feeling a twinge of self-consciousness. "It is a surprise lunch so no she's not expecting me, but if you will just tell her, she knows me, I swear!"

Guard 1, skeptical: "We've never seen you around here before. Do you have any identification?"

Jeremy, feeling a bit deflated: "Here's my school ID, I can assure you that once Lila knows I'm here she'll let me in. She's my friend."

Guard 2, crossing his arms: "Sorry, kid. We can't just let anyone in without proper authorization."

Just as Jeremy was about to explain further, Charice approached the security desk, wearing her office ID prominently displayed.

Charice, with a friendly smile: "Hey, gentlemen. What's going on here?"

Guard 1, recognizing Charice: "Oh, Charice! We didn't realize you were with this young man. Is everything okay?"

Charice, nodding: "Yes, he's with me. Jeremy is Lila's friend. I can vouch for him."

Guard 2, now more convinced: "Alright, if you say so, Charice. We'll let him through. Just make sure he follows the building rules."

Jeremy felt relieved as the guards allowed him to pass through the security checkpoint, thanks to Charice's intervention.

As they walked towards Lila's office, Jeremy turned to Charice with gratitude. "Thanks, Charice. I didn't expect the guards to be so skeptical. I'm glad you were able to vouch for me."

Charice smiled, brushing off the situation. "No problem, Jeremy. Sometimes they can be a little overprotective. But now that they know I'm with you, there shouldn't be any issues. Plus very soon the merger announcements will be put up everyone in the building will know who you are."

Jeremy chuckled, feeling a renewed sense of excitement. "Well, I can't wait to surprise Lila with lunch. I hope she's as thrilled as I am."

Charice patted him on the back, reassuringly. "I'm sure she'll be thrilled. You've put in so much effort, and she'll appreciate it. Just wait until she sees you."

They reached Lila's office door, and Jeremy took a deep breath, his nerves mixed with anticipation. He knocked softly, Charice told him to just open the door.

Jeremy stepped into Lila's office, holding the lunch bag in his hand, only to find Lila and Ethan sitting at her desk, engrossed in a discussion while eating their lunch. His heart sank a little at the sight, feeling a pang of disappointment.

Lila looked up and noticed Jeremy's presence, a surprised expression crossing her face. "Jeremy! What a pleasant surprise. Come in."

Jeremy approached the desk, trying to hide his disappointment with a smile. "Hey, Lila. I brought lunch for us. I thought we could have a little lunch date."

Ethan, noticing Jeremy, looked up and greeted him casually. "Oh, hey man. I didn't know Lila has a lunch date scheduled." He then looked at Lila and continued "I hope I did not ruin your schedule with this endless work?"

Lila hesitated for a moment, sensing the tension in the air. She made a quick decision and introduced Jeremy to Ethan, carefully omitting the fact that they were married.

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