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Lila received a call from Alvin, he never heard from him since the break-up, it was a rather busy work day, but seeing his name on the caller ID brought a sense of familiarity and comfort, and she eagerly answered the call.

"Hey, Alvin! How's everything going?" Lila greeted him warmly, her voice filled with genuine delight.

Alvin, sounding excited and a tad nervous, responded, "Lila, I have something important I want to discuss with you. Do you think we could grab lunch together today? It's just that you are the first person with whom I want to share my latest news."

A tinge of curiosity sparked within Lila as she pondered Alvin's request. She knew that he had always been driven and ambitious, constantly seeking ways to improve his career. And yet, the urgency in his voice hinted at something beyond their usual conversations.

"Of course, Alvin. I'd love to catch up with you. How about we meet at our favorite Italian place?" Lila suggested, recalling their shared love for authentic Italian cuisine.

They agreed on the time and place, and as Lila hung up the phone, she couldn't help but wonder what Alvin had in store. She valued their friendship even before they dated, they have been very good friends and trusted his judgment, believing that he had something significant to share. This is nothing but a friendly lunch.

During lunch, Alvin wasted no time diving into the purpose of their meeting. He spoke passionately about his aspirations and how he intended to make a bold move in his career. He outlined his plans for a groundbreaking project that could potentially shape their industry and propel them both to new heights.

As Lila listened attentively to Alvin's vision, she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and admiration for his ambition. She recognized the significance of his proposal and the potential it held for their professional growth. She however realized that this is one of the reasons why she fell madly in love with Alvin, his passion for his craft is just unbelievable. She misses him so much. To her excitement, she accidentally placed her hands on Alvin's. Alvin then held her hand and whispered. "I miss you, more than you ever know."

Lila sat across from Alvin at a cozy restaurant, their plates barely touched as they engaged in a heartfelt conversation. The ambiance was warm, but Lila's heart conflicted, torn between the love she had for Alvin and the commitment she had made to Jeremy.

Alvin reached across the table, gently grasping Lila's hand. His eyes were filled with sincerity and longing. "Lila, I can't imagine my life without you. I understand that our timing hasn't been right, but deep down, I know we're meant to be together. This marriage between you and Jeremy, it's just a convenience. We can still find our way back to each other when the time is right."

Lila's eyes welled up with tears as she listened to Alvin's words. His love for her was undeniable, and the thought of losing him pained her deeply. But a sense of duty tugged at her heart, reminding her of the responsibility she carried, both for her father and for the future of their company.

"Alvin, you have no idea how much I love you," Lila whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "But right now, everything is so complicated. My father's condition, the company's stability—it's all hanging by a thread. I can't risk rocking the boat further. I have to give this marriage a chance, at least until things settle down."

Alvin sighed, his eyes filled with a mixture of understanding and disappointment. He released Lila's hand and leaned back in his chair, giving her the space she needed to make her decision. "I respect your choice, Lila. Just know that I'll be waiting for you, no matter what happens."

Lila then let go of his hand. She knows she can't entertain whatever emotions they still feel toward each other. The reverie was cut off by her phone ringing, her friend from University called, she's visiting the city for a few hours and is wondering if she's free to hang out this afternoon. This is a common friend of hers and Alvin, she looked at her watch and see that it was almost 4 pm, why not take the rest of the afternoon off?

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