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Lila's waiting by the curb just outside her apartment door, when suddenly an Orange sports car parked right in front of her. This must be the car Mr. Gonzales mentioned. There's no backseat, which means she will have no choice but to sit beside the driver. 'Just great' she muttered under her breath.

The passenger window rolled down.

'Hi Ms. Mill, my grandfather told me to pick you up.'

Lila peeped down to see the driver and saw Jeremy Gonzales. 'Oh, Jeremy right? I didn't know you'll be picking me up yourself.'

'Well, I didn't know that you're the errand my grandfather told me about. Should I open the door for you?'

Lila hurriedly opened the passenger seat. 'No need. No need.'

Jeremy was a bit nervous, she keeps on tapping the steering wheel, and it was pretty obvious that Lila can't help but comment. 'Are you old enough to drive, Jeremy? I can take the wheel if you like.'

Jeremy just laughed out loud. 'How old do you think I am, 12?'

'No that's not what I meant, I mean. Wow, this is really embarrassing.'

'Don't be, I am just a high school boy. In fact, if there's someone who should be embarrassed it's me, ma'am.'

'Oh please, stop calling me Ma'am, I'm just a few years older than you. Please call me Lila.'

Jeremy did not respond, instead, he just drove through the traffic in silence. They drove north, out of the city bustle. They took a left turn somewhere where Lila's never been. A long array of oak trees alternating with maple trees are on each side of the road. It's mid-autumn and the road looks glorious with the red and orange leaves, coupled with the sunset red and pink hues on the sky. If this is a love story, it would have been so romantic.

In contrast with the picturesque view outside, there's an odd awkward silence inside the car. Lila's looking outside, grateful for the silence, but at the same time is tense about what she will finally tell Mr. Gonzales upon meeting him.

'Are you agreeing to the marriage proposal by my Grandfather?' Jeremy suddenly asked breaking the silence.

'How about you?' Lila asked in response.

'I asked you first.' Jeremy's firm response.

'Well, for starters, I have a boyfriend and I intend to marry him someday.' Lila's response, trying to avoid the question.

'Okay, it is a no then. Good, because I was hoping you'll be the one to say NO for both of us.'

'Well, I was hoping you'll do it for our sake.'

'What makes you think it will be better coming from me?'

'Because you know where our family is standing on this deal. We need this merger, more than you do.'

'That doesn't seem fair.'

'I have a preposition, would you like to hear it?' Lila's excitement caused her to touch Jeremy's arms. She finally has an idea of how to get out of this mess, but it will need a lot of help from Jeremy.

Jeremy stopped the car and looked at Lila. He paused a minute or more, this is the first time that the both of them came face to face in such close proximity, and somehow it didn't feel awkward at all. They are both looking intensely into each other's eyes. It seems like time stood still. There are sparks everywhere. Lila then got awakened from her trance and removed her hand from Jeremy's arm.

'I'm sorry. But, do you want to hear it?' Lila's excited response.

'I want to marry you.' Jeremy blurted out.

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