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Jeremy rushed home, his mind filled with a mix of worry and guilt. He had spent hours with Emily, leaving Lila waiting at the restaurant, and now he had to face the consequences of his actions. He needed to find Lila, explain what happened, and salvage their evening. As he entered their apartment, the sound of piano music filled the air, luring him toward the living room.

There, he found Lila, dressed in a stunning blue cocktail dress that accentuated her curves and radiance. Her fingers danced gracefully over the keys of the piano, her expression a mix of frustration and sadness. The half-empty glass of wine on top of the piano indicated her attempt to ease the disappointment and confusion that had enveloped her. Jeremy couldn't help but notice her allure, but their marriage was one of convenience, devoid of any romantic feelings.

"Lila," Jeremy called out softly, his voice tinged with regret and urgency. "I'm so sorry for what happened. I lost track of time, and I didn't receive your messages until it was too late. I was with Emily as she felt sick, then I have to bring her home, then I lost track of time"

Lila's fingers paused on the keys, and she looked up at him, her eyes searching for sincerity. Anger flickered in her gaze, mixed with hurt and confusion. "Jeremy, do you have any idea how long I waited for you at the restaurant? How could you spend hours with Emily while leaving me in the dark? I know this marriage was born out of convenience, but that doesn't mean you should have neglected our plans."

Jeremy's heart sank as he realized the gravity of the situation. He had no idea that Emily's manipulations had caused such chaos in their plans. He approached Lila, his voice filled with sincerity and remorse. "Lila, I swear I had no intention of spending time with Emily. It was a misunderstanding. She asked for a ride home, and I couldn't say no. But I never intended for it to interfere with our plans."

Lila's eyes searched his face for signs of truth, torn between anger and a longing for understanding. She couldn't deny the pain that gnawed at her heart, but deep down, she still held onto the love and connection she felt with Jeremy. "Jeremy, we both agreed to this arrangement. We knew there wouldn't be any romantic expectations. But even so, I expected a basic level of respect and communication. Tonight, you failed on both counts."

Jeremy nodded, acknowledging his mistake. "You're right, Lila. I let our agreement cloud my judgment, and I neglected our basic understanding. I'm truly sorry for the hurt I've caused."

Silence filled the room as Lila contemplated their situation. She knew this marriage was nothing more than a contractual arrangement, yet there was a part of her that longed for a deeper connection, for something more meaningful than convenience.

Jeremy took a step closer, his gaze locked with Lila's. He spoke with conviction, desperate to bridge the divide between them. "My phone shut down, I never get to see your message prior to that, Lila. I didn't read your succeeding messages until I was already late. I never wanted to spend time with her over you. You mean the world to me, and I would never intentionally hurt you."

Lila's anger began to wane, replaced by a glimmer of understanding. She saw the sincerity in Jeremy's eyes, his earnest desire to make things right. She took a deep breath, her voice softening. "I want to believe you, Jeremy. But this has hurt me deeply. I think it's time we reevaluate our expectations and boundaries, if we're going to make this marriage work, we need to establish a stronger foundation, even if it's not built on love."

Jeremy nodded, his heart swelling with both relief and determination. He would do whatever it took to rebuild the trust he had lost. "You're right, Lila. We need to have an open and honest conversation. I promise to do better and to be more attentive and communicative. I don't want anything to come between us. This marriage may have been born out of convenience, but it didn't mean they couldn't strive for mutual respect and understanding."

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