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"Hey, mate! Where's that hot lady lass of yours?" Alvin was asked by one of the artists invited to sing tonight.

"She's coming alright, just stuck in traffic somewhere she's working at one of those big buildings in the main city." Trying to stay calm after checking his watch, she's 2 hours late, very unlike her.

"Yeah, yeah that's what they always say, mate. Stuck in traffic while in fact, they're too busy to care about how we are expressing our art, our passion. These corporate girls just can't get it."

"Lila's different man. She understands my craft and appreciates it." Alvin trying to keep his cool. But is sweating profusely now.

"Whatever mate, believe whatever makes you happy. Gotta go! My turn now eh?!"

"Yes, I told the manager you're next I just can't let her miss my set."

"Whatever mate. Whatever." The man parting words before walking off the stage.

Show off! He muttered silently to himself. Lila loves me, there's no point in doubting it now. In fact, their relationship has finally reached a point where he is confident they can survive whatever may come their way. She loves her and has proven that tons of times in the past, he loves her too. Too much if you ask for his liking, but yeah he cares for her. Not as much as he loves his music though, but he can have both. Why not?!

Looking at his watch again, it's almost 10:00 PM now and she's not answering his calls. Has something happened? This is very unlike her. She may have been late on several occasions but she always informs him.

He must have been in reverie for some time because the next thing he knows the performer before he called him and people are shouting his name.


"You all looking for me?!" Alvin shouted on stage. People went ecstatic. To hell with one girl. To hell with her.

"The first song I'll play is a personal composition, I wrote this for the girl of my dreams. She may not be here now, but Babe this one's for you"

What is love my bird, what is love?

It means having millions of reasons to leave

But for one good reason, I stayed.

Love means tons of mean words heard

But with just three words, I stayed.

What is love my bird, what is love?

Love is flying around endless spirals of emotions

But for one great feeling, you chose to stay.

Love may mean sleeping unsure

But waking sure of one thing – I'll stay.

You're love my bird; you are my love.

Hearing those lines, Lila hid by the throng of people, she's keeping all willpower not to run up the stage and hug Alvin. He is her lighthouse, her peace, in her crazy busy world one man actually cares and loves her not because of what she can offer but because she is Lila. Yet, that may even be taken away from her.

Crying she went back to her car she can't hear him play and sing anymore. She can't bear it anymore. All the emotions she has been hiding since the dinner flooded like a river. She knows that there's no running away from this. Sooner or later she will just leave him. It's insanity for her to think that her relationship with him will actually work because it just won't or rather can't. Mr. Gonzales was right, her sense of responsibility and doing the right thing should always come first. Staying in love with Alvin is neither the responsibility nor the right thing to do. Maybe in a perfect world, but not in hers. She has thousands of people depending on her for their livelihood. She can't just run away from them because she's in love.

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