Chapter 9 - Araceli

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"I hate Australia. It's hot and humid and gross and sticky and worse than New York and Florida combined!" I complain. Duchie was jet lagged and running on about two hours of sleep and four black coffees (not Barcelona approved).

Before I can speak again, he covered my mouth with his hand. "Celi, I love you with all my heart, and consider you my sister. So as your brother, shut the hell up please." He pleaded, and I laughed. Duchie was the one who convinced me I'd be a good journalist for how much I talked. He said it was that or Lawyer, but I cry when someone yells at me, so I wouldn't be good in a courtroom.

"That statement wasn't very feminist of you," I taunt because the boredom was getting to me. We had been stuck in Sydney airport for a layover. It was a stupid layover in my mind because we could just drive eight hours to Melbourne, but Ollie insisted we take the layover for the sake of the plane. I stopped arguing after the first three hours.

But now, I'm starting to remember why I hated Australia. The bugs, the weather, the airport that I'm stuck in for a five-hour layover.

Ollie is busy doing whatever business stuff he usually does, I'm half drunk at this point from how much I drank on the plane. And Duchie has to deal with my drunk ass while trying to handle the fact that it's nighttime in Spain right now, and morning in Australia. Duchie and I got lucky to get on the same layover, given he left a few hours before me. Ollie made us take a red-eye flight from Baku to Sydney.

"I don't see you for twenty hours and you end up half drunk and mad?" He groans.

"Half sober actually. I was fully drunk at hour 15, this is the after-effects of that," I laugh because everything is amusing at this point. Duchies annoyance, the fact that I went to quite a job I know I never can, Louis bringing up my brother at any moment he can during our interviews.

I did a little research on them finally and realize Louis and my brother were a unit on the track. They were considered greats while racing together, bringing championships for Alveni. Louis only raced with my brother for two years before he died, so I didn't understand why he brought him up at every moment.

Louis and Alejandro were about seven years apart in age, so it was impossible they could have karted together like Duchie and him did. I didn't plan on asking Louis why his relationship with my brother was so strong—even if they were a unit together, they were enemies against each other. Both racers were amazing, but they both wanted to win. Louis had that competitive energy, and my brother wanted to keep his title as world champ. And after all this research and realization, I needed a drink—or two. Actually one drink turned into five, then a few shots with Ollie who was always down for a little party.

"Celi, are you ok? Like genuinely? You have been off lately and when I called, you didn't seem. . . you." Duchies concern made my heart ache, and I think I fully sobered for a second before going back to my slouched self.

"I'm fine, just. . ." I pause reeling in all the responses I could come up with. "The job wasn't what I was expecting it to be. I know work is stressful, but this feels different than the millions of jobs I've had in the past."

Duchie makes grabby hands at me like a child, and I laugh before moving closer to him. He wraps his arms around my shoulder and pulls me into him—like Alejandro did.

"Your brother would die if he heard how many jobs you've had, and that your dream job isn't a dream anymore," he sighs. Duchie felt terrible for me because he knew how much I worked for Mama, and that no matter who offered, neither of us took charity.

I huff a laugh. "You can't die twice, thankfully."

He lets go, giving me a profound look, and I'm starting to feel the effects of eight fireballs. "Celi, let's be serious. Your brother wouldn't want you working a job you hate. You barely know anything about F1, and I'm not expecting you to be proficient in the subject, but if you hate it; quit. No one is forcing you, and Ollie or I would be more than enough to help you find a new, better, job."

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