Chapter 6 - Louis

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There is nothing like that after-race feeling.

The sensation is almost euphoric. It's like a rush of heroin in your veins. Every racer has described how good that feeling is, and you'd think after winning so often that feeling would dull down, but it still felt like the day I won my first race.

Even after all these years, I love that exhilaration. And I loved the sound of my fans chanting my name. I equally loved the boos. It humbles a man, makes me cockier.

After all the interviews and the aftermath of winning, I get to go back to my hotel room with a woman or two in my arms and could release all my tensions with them. I'd spend the night fucking as long as I wanted and then wake up to room service and a peaceful bed. And do it all over again for months. It was the experience that made the race just as thrilling.

And this year was better. I had an almost perfect girl to tease and flirt with, keep the weeks interesting with her constantly near.

I was so happy when she accepted the job. Not only would I have an upgrade from the disgusting old dudes that only asked about the wins and never anything else, but also because she had a job. Alejandro told me how most of his money went to his mother and sister. But after his death, I was told about the lawsuit his mother had against the FIA for his death. She may have won, but most of the money went into the case, and soon, the money from Alejandro's life insurance will run short.

I didn't know much about Alejandro's past, or his personal relationships. Only the things he wanted me to know, which I respected of him. But I did know how much his family sacrificed for him. We all made sacrifices to get here, nothing came easy in this world, but Alejandro wasn't from the same upbringing as these guys. He was still shocked at some of the things I deemed normal.

Like the day we spent the night at a resort in Belgium and they had in-room massages. He told me he thought those were only in movies and not actual things. It was the little things that I found interesting about the man. And sadly, he is no longer here to humble me.


I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket after finishing my post-race interview. I signed a few shirts and merch from fans, before relaxing in the garage while they set up the podiums.

"Thought I'd be the first to congratulate you, baby bro," I heard the second I answered the phone.

I laughed. "I think a couple of thousand people got you beat, Violet."

Violet was my elder sister. We had a similar dynamic to Alejandro and Araceli. Violet was only two years older than me, but she grew up in this world with me. She came with me to lots of my karting races and was one of my biggest supporters. She also was my father's favorite and realized that young. When my father got mad at me, she'd find a way to divert his attention to her so I could get out unscathed.

While I raced 200-mile-an-hour cars in different countries for a living, Violet was a chief surgeon at the largest hospital in Belgium. She spoke about five languages, was ambidextral, and could read Latin. Growing up, I resented my sister for being the smartest person I knew. But now, seeing the change she makes in her community, visiting poor countries for a few months and providing free services---practically performing surgery almost every day while there---I couldn't love her more.

"You don't have to constantly brag about your fan base, сука," she grumbled. (Bitch)

I groaned. "Is that a new one for me to learn? What is that? Ukranian? That would be an upgrade from the boring ones."

I loved our little banters. She was one of my best friends, and always the first of my friends and family to congratulate me. She knew the perfect time to call too, always whenever I was relaxed in the garage and taking a break before the conferences start. What she doesn't know is that I'm quite excited about my interviews, because I get to see a beautiful girl.

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