Omae Umasou da na

Start from the beginning

"I won't let either of you pass, Heart and Star." Gonza says in a weak tone.

As Umasou jumps off Heart's head, he stands tall next to his parents.

"You? The pipsqueak." Gonza says mockingly.

"What do you want with mom and dad?!" Umasou questions in a battle stance.

"Your mom and dad you say?" Gonza says as he laughs at the two rexes.

"Step aside Gonza!" Star says in a demanding tone.

"How about not? I came to settle a score with Heart. Listen Heart, you or Star will have to kill me to get past me." Gonza says as he looks at the two.

Of course Heart wasn't sure how to handle this but, Star did and it wasn't going to be pretty.

"Very well then if that's the only option, I'll kill you." Star says losing any patience that she had left.

"The same to you." Gonza says in a cocky tone.

As the two rexes got into a fighting stance, Gonza tried to run for Umasou and Heart but, Star made short work of him as she quickly took a huge bite out Gonza's neck.

As a result, Gonza ended up falling over from the force impact and bleeds heavily from the wound.

"Let's go, Umasou." Heart says as he walks over to Star.

Umasou starts to walk quickly towards his parents but, Gonza tries to bite him as well as eat him. Thankfully Umasou dodges out of the way and Star and Heart get infront of the little one.

"Pipsqueak, their not your parents." Gonza says mockingly as he lays his head down.

Heart and Star get defensive and try to say something but, Umasou beats them to it.

"I know. I'm not a kid anymore. But parents are still parents no matter what they are!" Umasou says proudly as he sticks up for Heart and Star.

Gonza is dumbfounded by what Umasou says but accepts it and apologizes and slowly dies from his injury.

At first Heart and Star were surprised to hear that from Umasou but their shock was instantly gone due to the volcano erupting very loudly.

Without wasting anymore time the rexes and Ankylosaur ran through the forest but, when they got to the river that was no longer there, more than half of the forest was set ablaze by the volcanic eruption.

"Mom. Darn. We'll have to go around. Maybe she returned to the herd." Heart says as he looks at the unburnt part of the forest.

Star agreed with him and they quickly took off. Although Star started to feel the transformation spell wearing off, she knew that finding Heart's mother was more important.

Star's POV

As the blaze continuously burned the forest, I noticed that the smoke from the volcano started to make ash snow fall from the sky. And to make it worse, I was slowly reverting back into a human.

But I couldn't worry about that right now since Heart needs me to help find his mother. After a good few minutes, we found the herd and started to search for Heart's mother and brother.

"It's the herd! Mom! Light! Have you seen her? Mom! Mom! Mom! Light! Are you here?!" Heart shouts trying to find them.

I scan for either Light or Heart's mother but I couldn't find them. Well at least until I heard a very familiar voice.

"Heart. Is that you Heart?" Light asks as he sees his brother again.

"Light? Light, you have to run away. If you don't leave the mountain- Mom. Where's mom?" Heart asks he looks around her.

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