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Tanjiro realized that he wasn't the only one who's hiding something.


It started to rain really hard. At least it matched Tanjiro's mood. 

Kanao was gone. Again. 

Tanjiro closed his eyes and didn't know what to do but to crept under the shade and sit down. He started to blame himself. 

What would've happened if I actually bought Kanao-chan new slippers? Would something have changed if I just hid the photograph? Would something have been different if Daki didn't come back from the mall in literally 10 minutes?! 


The name rose anger from Tanjiro's chest. 

He couldn't hear anything but the rain so he screamed at the top of his lungs, "DAKI! YOU UGLY F****** B****!!!"

And guess what? Daki poked her head out after opening the door. "Nani? I heard my name." She yelled through the storm. 

Tanjiro shrank back to the shadow, slightly disappointed that she didn't hear what he actually said. "Nothing," He yelled back with the last of his strength.

"Eh, Tanjiro-kun, why are you sitting there? Come back!" Tanjiro cringed to "Tanjiro-kun" but Daki didn't seem to notice because of the distance.

"No!" He responded. Daki flinched. She wasn't used to "no's". 

"But Tanjiro-kuuuuun~~~!!!" She begged. "And I want you to go shopping with me today!" 

"Enough of that manner! Urusai already!" Tanjiro screamed. "Daki, just leave me alone!" 

Daki blinked. She started whimpering. "But what happened to 'Daki-chan' again, Tanjiro-kuun~?" 


Daki forced a tear out of her to make Tanjiro feel bad. She continued whimpering. "Tanjiro-kuuun~~~!!! Kudasai~?" She forced more tears out.

But Tanjiro didn't even budge a tiny bit. "I know that you will start asking for jewelry and bags again. To be honest, I'd rather camp out here!"

Daki froze. Tanjiro guessed it right. She just found another new Gucci bag she wanted. 

"So?!" She screamed. "You are supposed to get what I want! All my friends-"

"UGH! If you repeat it how all your friends get what they want one more time, Shabana Daki, I will get divorced with you right now, right here today!" The words left Tanjiro's mouth before he even realized.

Now real tears slipped down Daki's cheek. "Waaaaaahhh! Tanjiro-kun~! You're so mean! WAAAAHHHHHH!!!" 

Tanjiro let out a groan. "I don't have time for this right now! I need space and time to think! Leave me alone!" 

Daki wiped some tears off and continued to whimper but she left Tanjiro alone anyways. He could hear Daki screaming in the house.

Since when did she start to whine so much? Tanjiro wondered. Maybe I am going a little too harsh on her. Maybe Kanao's right. A rush of guilt crushed on his chest but it was only for 1 second. 

No, He thought. Daki definitely deserves it.

It was getting cold, so Tanjiro stood up, zipped up his hood and walked to the house. He jiggled the doorknob. He frowned. It was locked! He shivered. It was pretty much freezing outside too... 

Tanjiro pressed the doorbell. "Daki?" He tried. Silence. "Daki?" He tried again, a little louder this time. Still silence. Tanjior sighed and kneeled down. He looked through through the doorknob and saw something black... and white! Daki's hair and her white Chanel bag!

Tanjiro stood up and rang the doorbell 4 times in a row. "DAKI! ANSWER ME!" The doorknob twisted and Daki opened the door. There was something in her hands- She threw out Tanjiro's pillow and an old blanket. She shut the door, leaving Tanjiro standing outside.

Seemed like Daki took it seriously about how Tanjiro said that he'd rather camp outside. 

He groaned for the 10th time and suddenly remembered something. The master bedroom's window was actually unlocked! Tanjiro let out a sigh of relief. 

Later, he climbed on the window, his hair all wet and messy. He saw Daki trying on one of her new dresses that Tanjiro had never seen before. Did she steal his credit card? Or did she buy it herself? He shook his head. 

No, she doesn't work. He thought. 

Maybe someone else bought her that dress? Tanjiro sucked in a breath. Nah, that can't be. He laughed at himself.

Tanjiro tried to open the window but found out that it's also locked. Daki was pretty smart. Tanjiro knocked the window several times and Daki is either deaf or ignoring him. It's probably not the first one, though. Tanjiro saw Daki glancing at the window and they even made EYE CONTACT, but still she continued trying on even more dresses that Tanjiro had never seen.

"DAKI! OPEN THE WINDOW!" Daki could hear Tanjiro's muffled shouts outside. But she chose to ignore it. Seems like what Tanjiro said earlier really did "hurt" her.

Daki knew that if Tanjiro got divorced with her, she would have nothing left.


Daki finally turned around and shoved the window open, nearly knocking Tanjiro off.

He jumped in quickly.

"You're so dirty and wet," Daki frowned. "Go outside."

Tanjiro's jaw dropped. "That's what you care about? It was literally freezing out there! What were you thinking?"

An idea came to his mind.

 Tanjiro suddenly turned around and ran straight to the bed, jumping on it. 


"Not my business, not my bed!" He started to wipe mud off using Daki's new pink blanket, which Tanjiro has also never seen before.

Daki had enough. "TAN. JI. RO!!!! GO AWAY!" 

"NO!" He laughed evilly, but eventually went upstairs to shower. 

Tanjiro went downstairs next morning and found Daki in her new Versace dress and her new Chanel bag. "I'm going to the mall," Daki said quietly, avoiding eye contact with Tanjiro. He frowned. Something was off.

"Won't be back until... etto... 10 p.m." She mumbled and fidgeted with her sleeve.

"Well, okay. I'm going to work anyways."

Suddenly, Daki's phone rang. When she saw who called, her eyes narrowed and she ran outside. 

The same thing happened for about a week or so. 

Tanjiro realized that he wasn't the only one who's hiding something.

Author's note

Hey! Seems like Tanjiro isn't the only one who's hiding something anymore... LOL

Anyways, his friends are gonna help him find out in the next chapter! Emerald is gonna publish it tomorrow(MONDAY)! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! To be honest this is one of my favorite chapters that we wrote. My other favorite one is "Cheating". LOL Im getting way too off topic. Tysm! Please vote! 


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